Given your history it's understandable that you hate religion, but I find your use of made up terms to be annoying and it's hard to take you seriously because of it.
Please feel free not to.
We all have had our moments of making fun of the Watchtower and religion in general, but most of us moved on at some point. You may want to think about why you still have a lot of anger towards your parents.
I loved my parents. They were the best parents anyone could ever have had. Why do you think that I hated them? Have you even read my post?
One of the goals of this board it to help those who are leaving or at least having doubts about the Watchtower. They may very well be turned off by your use of such terms and not stick around to learn more that could help them get free of the Watchtower.
Some people are mild mannered on this forum, some are less so. It's as well that people see the whole range of feelings, not just the mild mannered ones. They need to understand that some of us have feelings that go deep and are strong. They need to understand why too. That's reality. On some forums, I am considered very polite and very mild mannered. If you think that I'm extreme, you need to get out more.
They have been conditioned to think that all us apostates are evil, horrible people who want to tear down the faith of others.
I do want to tear down faith and religion.
This fear is so strong that even if they hate the Watchtower they may be hesitant to come here. I myself didn't find this site until eight years after leaving the Watchtower, even as I knew it was not the truth.
That's their issue not mine. They need to deal with it.. My attitude may/may not cause jovies to leave. Who knows. Anybody done a survey?