we have a bigg artikel in km abot our wuie on how to treat them in diffrent situations, not so much new things, but they confirm this harder treatment on dfd, as we have 1981.. not so happy for this, i think it is a bigg misstake to dont take this occasion to change to some more loving wuie.i can not follow why they do like this perhaps they are draw this to the end of the lione, but who are take the punnish for this, if not the averge jw, who i think dont like this so very much.. so i can not follow who they think, perhaps we have wolfs among us, who hurt ther members.. .
there's just too much risk...especially if your life is in the hands of these officials:.
bwahahahahaha at comf
I wish I could think on my feet like that.
((((((((( comf ))))))))))))))
has anyone heard about the wts changing it's view on storing your own blood?
we heard today, from a friend, who is out of the borg, that they now allow this.
he has a relative who died of leukemia, and the parents (the father is an elder) are very angry now, because this young man could have lived with blood transfusions.
I well remember the talk from last year's DC wehre the speaker stated that JW's were the only true religion on earth becasue they are the only ones who treat blood according to biblically prescribed law.
Now, he did not and would not come right out and say at a district convention that JW's refuse life-saving emergency blood transfusions. And even if he was, he is being disengenuous becasue many groups (I can think of two offhand, and one of them is OLDER than the JW's) refuse blood transfusions.
This time around, I am going to tape it. Then it is going up on the web. Then it is going to Bulgaria.
there's just too much risk...especially if your life is in the hands of these officials:.
People just don't get it.
Do a search through Violet-anus' threads; ANYONE who posts on HIS threads and disagrees with HIM (these types are almost always male) is going to get personally attacked.
So why do people keep coming back for more and more and more? I cannot hazard a guess.
Violet-anus is doing a very bad job of connecting the dots.
There is very little, if any, coorelation between the acceptance of blood transfusions and the safety of the blood supply. If this is a JW issue then the safety of blood supply has nothing to do with anything, just as the earlier poster brought out.
If it is totally about safety, then JW's need to ban driving cars, crossing the street, and for that matter holding their meetings at night.
If it is about personal choice, then JW need to eliminate the shunning/expulsion, or in the alternative initiate a don't ask/don't tell policy.
Another red herring gone astray...
i have another question re a bible topic.
i know some of you don't believe what it says, but just to get your opinion would be helpful.. ok, so in genisis.....the angels see the beautiful women of earth and get hot under the collar and proceed to come down and have sexual relations with these women.. now, some time before this happened, two silly individuals in their naivity, listen to a dumbarse snake and to tell you the truth if i was a new human and a snake spoke to me, i'd take pretty much what he says as gospel....cos that just doesn't happen.....or i'd be having a psychotic episode.
so they go and disobey god and what do they get for punishment....kicked out of home and left to fend for themselves without food, shelter, health, happiness or they father's love...all for disobeying him over a silly apple (i know this is to do with the 'sovereignty' issue, why he needs to prove himself i'll never know).
<Hi Vi, Basically you seem to be seeing the whole stupid silliness for what it is. >
I wouldn't count on it.
there's just too much risk...especially if your life is in the hands of these officials:.
This came up in Ritzville, and I will put it on the board, BA told me this. It is from a book that no one can remember the title of, if anyone knows this book PLEASE post it here, I would love to read it. It has something to do with the 'Tribes of Israel' that's all anyone can remember.
Anyway, in those days (thousands of years ago) and in that place (the anicient middle east) there was a custom, and it still exists in some places even today. That custom was to take a part of an animal, WHILE STILL ALIVE and eat it. In a day or so, you can go back to that same living animal, chop off another part of it and eat THAT. This continues untill the animal is finally dead.
Two reasons for this custom was the lack of being able to save leftover food and also the belief that eating a living animal gave the person some special quality.
Well, to a god who demanded that two different animals not be yoked together, or not be prevented from eating while it worked, this practice would obviously be abhorent.
Therefore the command "The animal, its flesh with its blood --its soul--[life] you must not eat. You must drain the blood out upon the ground [thus the animal will be completely dead] before you eat it.
In the account related at I Samuel support is given for this reasoning. Even thought the Israelites ate unbled meat, they obviously did not eat still - living animals, or consequences would have been dire indeed, for it specifically states they 'slaughtered' the animals. So it was not the eating of UNBLED meat that was really the issue, it was the eating of a still-living animal.
God commanded that if an Israelite was lashed forty times --no more--and he died, there was no bloodguilt. The Israelites developed a custom of 'forty lashes minus one' just to be on the safe side.
So, too with blood. Completely bleeding the animal before eating assured in no uncertain terms that the animal was dead. An animal cannot be completely 'bled out' so that would not be a logical conclusion as to the meaning and intent of the law.
And I have never heard the Society complain about the religious ramifications of eating 'rare' steak. What does Watchtower think that red liguid is----GRAPE JUICE..???
[email protected] should be contacted with the fact that the "witnessing requirement" includes convicted pedophiles.
There are none so blind as those that WILL NOT SEE!!!
Did not that reporter, probably very educated and knowlegeable about world affairs, say in the later part of the article, under beliefs, that "A clergy class and special titles are improper."
And did not the reporter, earlier in the article call the two men 'elders' but the woman just a woman?
I am so glad I only went to tenth grade plus a high school equivalency.....I can't afford to be any dumber than I am.
okay everyone ... here are some highlights from this weekend's brci conference held in itasca, illinois, close to chicago o'hare airport.
it was two full days, from friday at 9:00 am to 7:00 pm and sat.
9:00 am to 9:00 pm.
(((((((((((( Amazing ))))))))))))))))))
ok, we're all used to seeing the annual report in the yearbook etc of the societies so called increases in certain countries and lands.
is there any way to independently authenticate the wt claims as true or not?.
take 'hours' submitted in field service reports etc.
since zero or negative increase was reported in 75 countries, I imagine at this point that Watchtower is being more or less truthful.
Watchtower sneaks in other ways---the reporting of 'peak' publishers, the change in reporting your time to the bookstudy overseer (your time can get turned in FOR you this way) and the 15 minute reporting change.
aaahh, RUN WATCHTOWER RUN they are coming for YOU...
i have just learned that there was another jw suicide in western washington (south king county) last weekend.
the man was a young adult, in good standing, married and doing well financially.
i can't reveal more, and this one didn't hit the news either.
looks like I broke the page again. SORRY!!!!