I would like to point out one thing to the Farkels and the D8TAS of the world (hugs to you both by the way--and preparing to duck)
This last year, Watchtower reported zero or negative growth in 75 countries.
In the last couple of decades, Watchtower has had to lower their standards for Bethelites, for pioneering, even initiate a 15 minute rule for publishers. Four and five congregations are crowded into one Kingdom Hall sometimes because their Halls are being sold out from under them for money. The numbers of partakers are going UP and not DOWN.
Why? BECAUSE JW'S AREN'T TAKING THE GB CRAP ANYMORE. JW's ARE voting with their wallets, they ARE voting with their feet. Inch by painful inch, family by family, country by country, formerly 'brain dead' JW's are slowly taking back their families, and their lives, as evidenced by Lawrence Hughes' battle in Canada. There are many many Lawrence Hughes's in the world, and they don't all have the luxury of the media coverage. Their battle is a silent and loney one----yet they are heroes none the less.
Guys, give the JW's a break and give them a little more time. They WILL come around, they ARE coming around; maybe not as fast as the rest of us...but they are coming around.