This must have been before they said it was okay to go to school......... up the crap.
i was sat watching tv tonight, her ladyship was dozing after a hard day, george the cat was purring and number 3 son had fallen asleep.. number 2 son was talking on the phone to his girlfriend, number 1 was out selling finance to prospective home-buyers.. know what?
these sons of mine know that i am always on their side, no matter what they do.
i can't think of anything that they could do to stop me loving them.
This must have been before they said it was okay to go to school......... up the crap.
dear friends:.
ive taken a few days to post, having a need to sort out my thoughts and watch the coverage along with my co-workers, family, and neighbors.
ive also read your posts over the past 48 hours and seen many of the same reactions as the population in general.
In response to MrMoe's generous offer of moving this to the adult forum, I have done just that...I have started a new thread there and I hope you all join me there.
Are we having fun yet?
dear friends:.
ive taken a few days to post, having a need to sort out my thoughts and watch the coverage along with my co-workers, family, and neighbors.
ive also read your posts over the past 48 hours and seen many of the same reactions as the population in general.
<Everyone that knows me personally knows I am not an angry person.>
you're joking, right?
22:16:37> MrMoe: Fuck yeah I have a temper ...... alot of bottle up rage
>22:19:50> MrMoe: my husband gave me a badd ass temper
you're joking, right? up the crap.
i was sat watching tv tonight, her ladyship was dozing after a hard day, george the cat was purring and number 3 son had fallen asleep.. number 2 son was talking on the phone to his girlfriend, number 1 was out selling finance to prospective home-buyers.. know what?
these sons of mine know that i am always on their side, no matter what they do.
i can't think of anything that they could do to stop me loving them.
Although I would just like to add that it isn't just JW's...parents who are members of any cult group who would sacrifice their children to the 'fire' of any man's mere words.
(((Englishman))) up the crap.
i am currently enjoying cruising around on the internet in chat rooms.. i'm enjoying posting that the jw who could have sent in people and organized volunteers have locked their doors and tightened their security.. perhaps instead of bitching and moaning on this board, we should use our time letting total strangers know jus how unchristian the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses are.. well?
get started.
there's a ton of forums out there, and you can post a link to this very site.
I don't consider what I do on this board 'bitching and moaning.
At least not all of the time... up the crap.
quick non bombing related question.
i mentioned to my study lady that i have the satanic bible and read it.
she then told me i should get rid of it by either throwing it away or burning it.
If there are any trolls around...for your own safety...
i have seen reference here to some of the posts on (wol) in response to the horrific events of yesterday, september 11, 2001.. please allow me to express a few different thoughts.. first of all, what happened yesterday was, just as president bush described it, despicable.
in making this attack, the attackers showed complete and utter disregard for human life.
those who commandeered the plane, knowing their ultimate goal, had no consideration for their own lives. And they may further recall that other Witnesses on that site disagreed with certain “narrow”, or what I’ll refer to as “fundamentalist” viewpoints they expressed>
No. dear...I went to my KH and posted what I saw and heard...and what about J.R. Brown's ridiculous PR statment...and what about the JW website? "We gave some people some water...".
Yeah, the truth hurts Nicodemus, and we've all been there. Attcking the mail carriers doesn't change the mail contents. Instead of trying to defend the Witnesses,(which can't be done) J.R. Brown, and the JW website, why don't you email/write/call the WT and WOL and GreatCrowd and tell them how BAD they are looking? Maybe they'll shape up and put on a front at LEAST and not make the JW's look so bad. My daughter, son-in-law, sister and brother and mother-in-law are all JW's and they will have to take the rap for this crap when they go door to door. up the crap.
if i am misquoting the theology espoused by jws then please correct me.. but i am trying to appreciate their theology as far as death and armageddon are concerned.
we know that the jw belief is as follows: "he who has died has been acquitted of his sin".
this is often used to imply that almost all who die prior to the great tribulation or armageddon will receive a resurrection of life or judgement (ok we know sodom dudes, judas and the flood victims wont get one according to jw theology).
yeah right Normie. And those 'persons' that posted what they did on Greatcrowd and WOL didn't really 'mean' a word of it right? That is, before they realized we were watching them and they began to change their tune.
And while we're about it, 40,000 disfellowshippings a year, with enforced shunning, isn't judgemental at all is it. up the crap.
i thought i'd copied an image on norm hovland's site,.
(and right now, i can't find his website address).
which he post (forgot which heading) of a picture out of a .
dummy me...try this site. up the crap.
and this page...
i thought i'd copied an image on norm hovland's site,.
(and right now, i can't find his website address).
which he post (forgot which heading) of a picture out of a .
This url was emailed to me once, if it isn't the right one, it might get you there...
* up the crap.