To borrow a phrase from someone who is still a Witness...
"They are not the Bride of Christ, they are the Slut of the Devil!!!"
dungbeetle...roll, roll, roll that dung!
following the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link :
To borrow a phrase from someone who is still a Witness...
"They are not the Bride of Christ, they are the Slut of the Devil!!!"
dungbeetle...roll, roll, roll that dung!
from addendum to crisis of conscience (1995).
for chapter 12. available
what then is the significant difference?
Leaning Tower of Pissa? Coooool!!!!
dungbeetle...roll, roll, roll that dung!
i need you guys to point me toward any proof that the wts used to beleive that the f & d was russel himself and not a group of chosen ones.
thanks in advance -om
The harp of God Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (1921)
page 239, paragraph 420
420 Without a doubt Pastor Russell filled the office for which the Lord provided and about which he spoke, and was therefore that wise and faithful servant, ministering to the household of faith meat in due season. Pastor Russell finished his earthly course in 1916.
If I knew how, I would be happy to put a scan of the page in here. There is much more to it than just this paragraph.
dungbeetle...roll, roll, roll that dung!
i am stunned.. with all the effort to try and make the issue of abuse known through silentlambs.
the hundreds of accounts given by victims explaining the foundation of why watchtower policy hurts children.
the lawsuits now being enacted to make watchtower compensate those injured by their policy.
I cannot wait to print this up and send it to the battered women's support groups in my area.
Run, Watchtower, Run!!!!
dungbeetle...roll, roll, roll that dung!
following the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link :
<"mikepence: Has anyone emailed the WTS PR people to request a comment on this? ">
Speaking just for myself, I have had virtually no contact myself with the Watchtower in over a decade. I am not someone they know or will trust or will talk to, and for me I think it will be a waste of time to contact them.
But there are many on this board, who do have an 'inside track' to the WT and for myself I am deferring to their insight and judgement on whether/when/how an approach to the WT should be made. Very likely these same individuals are following this thread closely, even if they have not posted here.
And I can guarantee you, the WT knows everything in this thread, so they know everything we know. It wouldn't surprise me if the cover-story/coverup is already in the works. It won't work this time.
Run, WT, Run!!!
dungbeetle...roll, roll, roll that dung!
well i hope this is the last chapter regarding the ritzville trial of manuel beliz.
perhaps he now can become a statistic in the roles of sex offenders who go to jail for their crimes.
as you may recall in the first hearing things were much different and intimidating to erica and her family.
To Erica and all her supporters...
(((((((((((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
dungbeetle...roll, roll, roll that dung!
following the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link :
<"is only when an NGO becomes associated with the DPI that is has to abide by the rules of the charter">
The only way to be an NGO is through the DPI. That's what an NGO IS.
The importance of working with and through NGOs as an integral part of United Nations information activities was recognized when the Department of Public Information was first established in 1946. The General Assembly, in its resolution 13 (I), instructed DPI and its branch offices to:
"...actively assist and encourage national information services, educational institutions and other governmental and non-governmental organizations of all kinds interested in spreading information about the United Nations. For this and other purposes, it should operate a fully equipped reference service, brief or supply lecturers, and make available its publications, documentary films, film strips, posters and other exhibits for use by these agencies and organizations."
In 1968, the Economic and Social Council, by Resolution 1297 (XLIV) of 27 May, called on DPI to associate NGOs, bearing in mind the letter and spirit of its Resolution 1296 (XLIV) of 23 May 1968, which stated that an NGO "...shall undertake to support the work of the United Nations and to promote knowledge of its principles and activities, in accordance with its own aims and purposes and the nature and scope of its competence and activities".
That's what makes this whole thing so BAD. An NGO can't punish its own members for taking blood in Bulgaria, paying a 25 cent tax in Malawi, or accepting alternative military service in Greece, without violating its agreement with the UN.
But you're right, Betweenworlds... .this surprises WHOOOOOOOOO?
Dungbeetle...roll, roll, roll that dung...
following the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link :
An address to send correspondance regarding an NGO
NGO Section
Mr. Paul Hoeffel
Department of Public Information
Room S-1070 L
New York, NY 10017, USA
Tel: (212) 963-6842
Fax: (212) 963-6914
dungbeetle... STILL cleaning up the crap.
following the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link :
<"Btw, Dungbeetle, I don't think , actually it is certain, that in
Greece DOES NOT exist the alternative military servcice">
AI-index: EUR 25/011/1997 31/10/1997
printer friendly format
News Service 184/97
AI INDEX: EUR 25/11/97
31 OCTOBER 1997
Greece: Rights of conscientious objectors denied by new laws
Amnesty International today wrote to the Greek authorities criticizing both the new law on conscientious objection passed by the Greek Parliament in June, and a new draft law on Universal Defence shortly to be presented to parliament by the Greek Government.
Law 2510/97, adopted by the Greek Parliament on 5 June, introduces for the first time the right for conscripts who are opposed to the personal use of arms for fundamental reasons of conscience based on religious, philosophical, ideological or moral convictions to claim conscientious objector status and to perform an alternative civilian service.
"We welcome the introduction of this right but the law does not go far enough," Amnesty International said today. "Many of the measures are punitive and the law fails to recognize that conscientious objectors have the right to develop conscientious objection during military service."
"About 250 conscientious objectors -- all Jehovah's Witnesses -- are imprisoned because they have refused to perform military service on religious grounds. These people are prisoners of conscience and should be released immediately."
Amnesty International has numerous criticisms of Law 2510/97: the length of the new alternative civilian service is punitive (42 months compared to 24 months for military service) and its provisions for alternative service can be suspended in case of war. Also, the provisions of the law relating to alternative civilian service do not come into force until January 1998 and conscientious objectors who refuse to perform military service in the meantime still face prison sentences of up to four years.
Another conscientious objector, who is not a Jehovah's Witness, also faces imminent arrest for refusing, on grounds of conscience, to perform military service. Lazaros Petromelidis, a 37-year-old married man with one child, first declared his conscientious objection to military service in a letter to the military authorities in 1992. On 7 October 1997 he wrote to the Navy Conscription Office, stating that he was prepared to perform alternative civilian service, as provided for under Law 2510/97. However, on Monday of this week police officers visited his home to enforce a warrant for his arrest, issued last December. Lazaros Petromelidis is currently in hiding. Amnesty International is calling on the Greek authorities to suspend the arrest warrant issued.
In its letter to the Greek Government Amnesty International also criticized a new draft law on Universal Defence, shortly to be presented to parliament. According to reports, the new law will make it compulsory for all women aged between 18 and 50, and for all men aged between 18 and 65 who are not currently serving in the armed forces or in the National Guard, to complete a period of training in universal defence units.
The exact duration of the compulsory training is unclear. Certain groups of women, such as those who are pregnant or who have children under the age of 12, are to be exempt. The units will reportedly come under the administration of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defence, and members of units will perform a range of functions, such as responding to natural disasters, guarding vital installations and providing first aid. It is also reported that members of the units, particularly those based in border areas, will be given training in the use of arms.
The new draft legislation reportedly contains no provisions for allowing those people who object to military service on grounds of conscience to register their objection. Failure to report for service will, according to the draft law, be punishable by a period of imprisonment of between six and 12 months, increasing to a maximum of three years in prison in periods of general mobilization, such as has existed in Greece since 1974.
"The Greek authorities should review the provisions of Law 2510/97 and the new draft law on Universal defence with a view to bringing them both into line with international standards and recommendations on the right to conscientious objection," Amnesty International said.
Although Jehovah's Witnesses are recognized as a "known" religion, in previous years the military consistently refused to exempt their clergy from mandatory military service. This practice was found to be in violation of Articles 5 and 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights by the European Court of Human Rights in two decisions reached in 1997. In January 1998, a law providing an alternative form of mandatory national service for conscientious objectors took effect. It provides that conscientious objectors may work in state hospitals or municipal services for 36 months. Conscientious objector groups generally characterized the legislation as a "positive first step" but criticized the 36-month alternative service term, which is double the regular 18-month period of military service. Since January 1998, all Jehovah's Witnesses, both clergy and laymen, who wished to submit applications for alternative nonmilitary service were permitted to do so. In one case, an application was submitted late and the applicant was instructed to appear for mandatory military service. The applicant appealed this decision; the results of the appeal are pending.
(I believe this needs updating)
ATHENS, Greece A group of about 300 Jehovah's Witnesses are being held in jail for refusing to enter the European Union's armed forces. The conscientious objectors have been offered no alternative to the mandatory 18-21 month service, and are currently serving four-year prison sentences. Amnesty International, stated in their 1993 report that more than 5,000 years of collective prison time has been served by Greek conscientious objectors. Many countries offer conscientious objectors an alternative to military service, but no such provision exists in Greece.
dungbeetle... STILL cleaning up the crap.
does anyone know where to find a source for old watchtower magazines (20-25 years)?
watch tower
And have a lot of cash handy.
dungbeetle... STILL cleaning up the crap.