Hmmmm, you'd want to avoid any non-preserved meat if you'll have things at room temp. You don't want to do a meat and cheese platter due to the cost, so salami and hard cheddar are out. How about a loaf of that Hawaiian Bread that is hollowed out and put spinach/artichoke dip inside. People take the cut up bread and some of the dip and it is REALLY good and not too expensive.
JoinedPosts by Rebirth
Entertaining: Snack Foods
by cameo-d inwhat would you serve as a substantial snack food for mid-afternoon?.
i am not looking for anything formal like tea and crumpets.. i am not looking for prissy stuff like raw carrot sticks.. i am not looking for something expensive like fancy wine and cheese.. not looking for anything really really sweet, either.. .
i am looking for maybe something that would go with deviled eggs.
Entertaining: Snack Foods
by cameo-d inwhat would you serve as a substantial snack food for mid-afternoon?.
i am not looking for anything formal like tea and crumpets.. i am not looking for prissy stuff like raw carrot sticks.. i am not looking for something expensive like fancy wine and cheese.. not looking for anything really really sweet, either.. .
i am looking for maybe something that would go with deviled eggs.
the small hotdogs in a bath of bbq sauce
bite size pizzas
buffalo wings
...the kind of stuff you'd see at a Super Bowl party, in other words.
I should have taken the blue pill instead.
by ColdRedRain inever since i left the borg, a lot of bad things have been happening to me.
my family turned against me, i lost all of my friends, and i've gotten myself into one bad relationship into another because i really wasn't taught how to have a relationship outside of the jws.
i almost even ended my life because of this crap.
I wanted to share a song that got me through the lowest point I had ever been in.
"Torn apart by rage and fear, Hold on to what brought you here, don't let it go, Never let go."
I should have taken the blue pill instead.
by ColdRedRain inever since i left the borg, a lot of bad things have been happening to me.
my family turned against me, i lost all of my friends, and i've gotten myself into one bad relationship into another because i really wasn't taught how to have a relationship outside of the jws.
i almost even ended my life because of this crap.
You are going to make it sweetie. Don't give up. I have been where you are at, I know the complete and utter sadness over having your family hang you out to dry. It is, in my opinion, the toughest thing you'll ever have to face. The betrayal of the one group of people who by the laws of nature should never betray you. I grew up in MN, there are some amazing resources for those in your situation. MN tends to take care of its citizens moreso than other states. If you are considering hurting yourself, stop, reach for the phone, 612-873-2222 if you are in Minneapolis. You have this beautiful new life free to be who you are. Think of all that you can accomplish now that you are no longer tied to others oppressions. I have a lot of other thoughts, but I don't want to overwhelm you right now. You are in my thoughts and I care about you. ((HUGS))
The Efficacy of JWs Shunning (Your experiences and analysis)
by JW_Researcher inim doing a bit of research for an academic paper on shunning and am interested in your response to any or all of these questions.. please think back to when you were a jw (if necessary) or to other jws you knew.. 1) does shunning work?
(for example, does it bring sinners to their senses?
does it keep the congregation clean?
I see two parts to this. I see the lets-hang-him-in-town-square-to-make-a-lesson-out-of-him mentality and I see the lets-treat-him-like-a-naughty-child-who-needs-to-learn-his-lesson. Shunning has not worked on me from my parents and siblings, and actually seeing how a mother could desert their child, leaving every bit of natural affection behind has only served to demonstrate to me how important it is that I never go back to such mind control and that I teach my own children to think for themselves and trust their instinct above all else. BTW, isn't there a scripture about that being a sign of the times, mothers losing their natural affection? Well, lo and behold, they are fulfilling prophecy (said tongue in cheek of course).
I''ve said this before, but even if JWs, by so weird wrinkle in time, end up being right, I want no part in a system in which a god would treat his/her followers with such cruelty. No thanks, I'd rather be dead.
Servant Step-dad strangles Pioneer mom Elders ask them to reconcile??
by Witness 007 inwhile living in perth my step-dad and mother were pioneering....he was also a servant.
twice my mum left him due to violence...but, elder idiot encouragement sent her back to him.
this last time they had an arguement about the price of potatoes.
Yep, doesn't surprise me one bit. They will cover over anything to protect their "image." Yet they present themselves to the world like they are some sort of super stars who are so much better, morally, than anyone else. No, they've just whipped their people into keeping their mouths shut.
Sisters with Kleenex on their head
by LearningMore inso, i keep hearing reference to this.
was this just taking place in really small congregations?
i mean, i know the philosophy behind it; my mom would put a hat on to pray in front on my "unbelieving" dad.
Yep, when I used to conduct the meeting for service, I would occasionally have to don a kleenex. Another way to keep women in their place. Make them wear dresses, keep them from speaking their mind, not allow them to carry on any meaningful assignments, etc. Thank you for reminding me of how lucky I am to be out. Oh, and I never had to wear a headcovering when conducting a bible study with an unbaptized male.
And yes, I used to hear the older ones refer to the organization as mother. Gag, gag.
OMG!!!!! How do they think they will get away with this... June 15 WT
by ImFreeatlast ini was just looking through the june 15 study wt and on page 9 at the bottem of paragraph 10 it says.... additional "disgusting things" include acts of pedophilia and other forms of sexual immorality committed by clergymen and tolerated by the church authorities.
is it any wonder that jehovah god will soon rid this earth of false religion?.
Amen to that Isaac. I've come to see that unless they want to start thinking for themselves, there is NOTHING that will crack the hypnotic spell that they WTS holds over them. I used to think that reading that your organization was harboring pedos would do it - nope, I have been utterly shocked at the lack of response by JWs over their organization's conduct, just disgusted.
Women - do you love being around men?
by Mr Ben inwomen - do you love being around men?
i only ask because i realise that for over 20 years i just love being around women.
it's not just for sexual reasons either, though that's important sometimes, i just really like being around women.
I agree with Zen completely, she said it very well. Also, FHN's comments summed up some of my feelings. But I will say that I have the same reservations about spending time with women who have backbiting, superficial perspectives. Men, women, there are some great gems and some real stinkers. One of my very best friends is a man I'm not married too. We've known each other for around five years and he has been like a brother to me. I have been with him when he got married, I have sat and listened to the horrific things he has gone through in his life and he has done the same for me. I used to have a good male friend who was a JW, of course it was all conditional because the minute I stopped being what he saw as someone putting the org first, he dumped me faster than a hot potato.
What's Your View Of Jehovah's Witnesses As Individual Persons?
by minimus indo you think they make the best parents?.
the best children?.
the best workers?.
Do you think they make the best parents?
How can that be when you force your child to become a clone? That has been proven over and over again to be the kiss of death.
The best children?
In whose eyes? To the JW parents I'm sure they are tickled pink when their child obeys. Of course, fear is not a motivator I want for my children.
The best workers?
JWs are all about obeying rules and using superficial methods to convert more people. What happens when the door is closed is a whole 'nother situation. If they will get praise or credit from their fellow JWs (via doing good things at work and getting praise from their bosses) then absolutely.
The most moral?
Morals, based on whose value system? JWs or conservative Christians? Sure, it is again, all about what others see.