JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
2015 has an extra second is anyone afraid?
by truthseeker100 inthe year 2015 will have an extra second which could wreak havoc on the infrastructure powering the internet.. at 11:59 p.m. on june 30, clocks will count up all the way to 60 seconds.
that will allow the earth's spin to catch up with atomic time.. the earth's spin is gradually slowing down, by about two thousandths of a second per day, but atomic clocks are constant.
that means that occasionally years have to be lengthened slightly, to allow the slowing earth to catch up with the constant clock.. but last time it happened, in 2012, it took down much of the internet.
Morpheus you have a grim outlook on life. live long and prosper. -
2015 has an extra second is anyone afraid?
by truthseeker100 inthe year 2015 will have an extra second which could wreak havoc on the infrastructure powering the internet.. at 11:59 p.m. on june 30, clocks will count up all the way to 60 seconds.
that will allow the earth's spin to catch up with atomic time.. the earth's spin is gradually slowing down, by about two thousandths of a second per day, but atomic clocks are constant.
that means that occasionally years have to be lengthened slightly, to allow the slowing earth to catch up with the constant clock.. but last time it happened, in 2012, it took down much of the internet.
The year 2015 will have an extra second — which could wreak havoc on the infrastructure powering the Internet.
At 11:59 p.m. on June 30, clocks will count up all the way to 60 seconds. That will allow the Earth's spin to catch up with atomic time.
The Earth's spin is gradually slowing down, by about two thousandths of a second per day, but atomic clocks are constant. That means that occasionally years have to be lengthened slightly, to allow the slowing Earth to catch up with the constant clock.
But last time it happened, in 2012, it took down much of the Internet. Reddit, Foursquare, Yelp and LinkedIn all reported problems, and so did the Linux operating system and programs using Java.
The reset has happened 25 times since they were introduced in 1972, but the computer problems are getting more serious as increasing numbers of computers sync up with atomic clocks. Those computers and servers are then shown the same second twice in a row — throwing them into a panic.
If a computer is told to do an operation at the time that is repeated, for instance, the computer is unsure what to do. Or if an e-mail is received in that moment, it could find its way in the wrong bit of the server.
Last time, Google anticipated the problem and built a smart update, which it called "leap smear". It modified its servers so that they would add a little bit of extra time every time they were updated, so that by the time of the leap second they were already caught up with the new time. It said when it laid out the plan in 2011 that it would use the same technique in the future, when new leap seconds are announced.
Leap seconds were initially added at least once a year, but have slowed since 1979. The U.S. wants to get rid of them entirely, arguing that they cause too much disruption, but others have opposed the change.
Britain, for example, has said that the leap second should stay. Getting rid of it would mean the end of Greenwich Mean Time, used in some European and African countries, which is measured by the sun and would no longer be accurate.
This story originally appeared in The Independent. The content was created separately from USA TODAY.
Freedom Post # 1 - First Timer
by 7Starz insynchronicity - the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.
today is the first day of the rest of my life.
7 Starz did you disassociate or are you fading away. -
i know this has been talked about. but isn't wearing stuff idol worship
by goingthruthemotions inso i am getting really frustrated...i see jdub's wearing items and .
isn't this idol worship.
respond if you like...i just want some .
Its really no different than when en-route to an assembly placing watch tower and awake magazines in the back window of your car. You could identify other members going to the assembly on the free way. In this case they are playing with fire promoting anything on the net. -
WTS leader rants against higher education
by hoser inon jw tv.
anthony morris is ranting against higher education.
he is blaming parents for enrolling their kids in college.
aren't you going to need factories to produce the tools and pipes and other materials the "carpenters and plumbers" will need?
Won't you need electricity to power those factories?
Won't you need engineers to design those factories?
Won't you need other types of engineers to work on producing the electricity those factories need?
Won't you need....ah heck I could go on all day.
As usual, TMIII gives proof that he is incapable of maintaining firing neural synapses for a period of longer than 3 seconds.
Sir 82 I agree, it must be awful being that stupid,
This weeks service meeting! More craziness.....
by stuckinarut2 inso this weeks service meeting is so full of "crazy".
a whole 15 min part devoted to trying to indoctrinate everyone on how to "explain our beliefs on 1914".
then another 15 min part called "a tool to help us explain our beliefs about 1914".
Uhhhm why not start a thread and introduce yourself? -
This weeks service meeting! More craziness.....
by stuckinarut2 inso this weeks service meeting is so full of "crazy".
a whole 15 min part devoted to trying to indoctrinate everyone on how to "explain our beliefs on 1914".
then another 15 min part called "a tool to help us explain our beliefs about 1914".
Welcome to the forum Uhhm. -
No longer an MS! Hooray...finally!
by stuckinarut2 inwell, it's finally happened!.
im no longer an ms.. as many would know from our chats via this forum, i've seen it coming for a while....and while the way it was done stinks, i'm really happy to finally be free!.
(would love to share more details...i will do in time...or perhaps a pm would be best).
It is a load off for sure take some time and rent or download your favorite movie or music and relax. you'l be fine no matter how it was done. -
Freedom Post # 1 - First Timer
by 7Starz insynchronicity - the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.
today is the first day of the rest of my life.
A lot of people here are free of the borg. Some are still trapped in because of family. Some are still questioning their beliefs and some are lurking like you once did. You must have learned as an elder to consider you're audience. I am sure you'll be fine on this board. That's all the love bombing you're going to get on this forum. I just stay here to learn whats new with the borg. -
Freedom Post # 1 - First Timer
by 7Starz insynchronicity - the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.
today is the first day of the rest of my life.
Welcome 7starz I will say welcome to the forum.