JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
Mind control.
by New day inin a recent thread someone mentioned that the wtbts uses mind control techniques.
do you think this is a conscious ploy?
if it is it would mean that the leaders of my religion (i am still an active jw) set out consciously to control people.
HBH You might have something there. My grandfather and myself are Canadian. My father married an American. -
Mind control.
by New day inin a recent thread someone mentioned that the wtbts uses mind control techniques.
do you think this is a conscious ploy?
if it is it would mean that the leaders of my religion (i am still an active jw) set out consciously to control people.
The power of the printed word is immense. It is true. I know many converted dubs who said to me about what really drew them in was"if it says that in the bible then I'll believe it". Then there are people like myself that left family and religion behind at a relativley young age ,shunned and refused further indoctrination. I think there is a genetic component here. -
Mind control.
by New day inin a recent thread someone mentioned that the wtbts uses mind control techniques.
do you think this is a conscious ploy?
if it is it would mean that the leaders of my religion (i am still an active jw) set out consciously to control people.
Education is the key to avoid being mind controlled! A big key.
I am sure there are other factors as well for example, my grandfather knew how to create and manage a farm with only a grade two education. When my father approached him with the watchtower crap he dismissed it. His church gatherings were more for socialization than being brain washed.
Maybe part of the mind control is in our genes.
Is the organization actually gaining more members or losing more?
by yogosans14 inlast time i was at the kingdom hall they were praising themselves about all the growth in members they have been having.
is this "growth" they are having statistically accurate?or are a lot leaving?
The growth of Jws has definitely peaked in the developed world. Look to the BRIC countries that's where growth will be. -
Mind control.
by New day inin a recent thread someone mentioned that the wtbts uses mind control techniques.
do you think this is a conscious ploy?
if it is it would mean that the leaders of my religion (i am still an active jw) set out consciously to control people.
1. Finding the history of the JWs is not that hard these days.
2. They do not want Jws to think outside the Jw Box.
3.They don't want the dubs asking tough questions.
I think the majority of the real zealous JW's don't want to find the history or think outside the Jw box and don't want tough questions asked, They are just spiritual cannon fodder for the borg. The rest are trapped. Sad situation when you think about it.
rumor out that governing body is going to adjust the loveing disfellowshiping arangment df yes shunning no.
by poopie incan anyone confirm they seem to be having disagreement writing dept and service dept some feel that df ok as long as you do not add wholesale across the board shunning regardless of the sin ..
I wonder what would happen to the amount of discussion on web sites like this one, if they were to implement some new light policy welcoming some back? I have seen a few long time members here quit posting and go back with the existing dub policies. -
rumor out that governing body is going to adjust the loveing disfellowshiping arangment df yes shunning no.
by poopie incan anyone confirm they seem to be having disagreement writing dept and service dept some feel that df ok as long as you do not add wholesale across the board shunning regardless of the sin ..
I remember the old marking system Millie. They could do that, The fact that there is an old marking system that apparently is no longer used,and no one remembers, illustrates that new light changes everything. -
rumor out that governing body is going to adjust the loveing disfellowshiping arangment df yes shunning no.
by poopie incan anyone confirm they seem to be having disagreement writing dept and service dept some feel that df ok as long as you do not add wholesale across the board shunning regardless of the sin ..
Crazy guy do you really believe if the shunning stopped that people would learn ttatt? If they structured it right the opposite would happen. You would have these new members who you could now talk to who are considered spiritually weak and need encouragement. Nothing the newly reinstated could say would change their minds. It makes my flesh crawl just telling someone how it might work on here as I am sure the GB is monitoring this site. -
rumor out that governing body is going to adjust the loveing disfellowshiping arangment df yes shunning no.
by poopie incan anyone confirm they seem to be having disagreement writing dept and service dept some feel that df ok as long as you do not add wholesale across the board shunning regardless of the sin ..
I think it is entirely possible, they have lost a lot of qualified people(elders, public speakers,etc)! More people fading away every day and not many new coming in, in the developed world. They could adopt new light.
What ever is published this week in the Watchtower could easily be republished in a little while as something else and not be remembered by the majority of the publishers.
They would probably find a way to make it conditional. Maybe only those who are recently disfellowshiped, not long time disfellowshipees or known apostates.
We all have to remember this is a world wide corp who in the old days could say or print something in India or Sri Lanka and no body in the rest of the world would know or hear about it, but not today.
When a publishing whorehouse like the WTBTS gets desperate anything is possible.
Inherit the wind
by truthseeker100 inhas anyone seen the movie inherit the wind?
i just got done watching the 1999 remake of the original 1960.. it's about two lawyers arguing in court about the guilt or innocence of a school teacher, teaching evolution.. it's about as pertinent today as it was in 1999 or 1960. it's really a good movie.
The Inuit call me "Brother of no one"