JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
Pastor Inciting Murder And Genocide Of Gays
by Village Idiot ini'm not so much into gay issues as i am into right wing fundamentalist issues but what they say about gays is irksome and at times dangerous.
when trawling the internet for their statements i find that 80% of what they have to say is about gays, more so than abortion or even obama.
i could shrug it off as pathetic ignorance unworthy of a rebuttal if it weren't for the occasional psychos like the one below.. rarely do they explicitly state these opinions but in this video they show their true colors.. this harlem pastor is calling on 'christians' to die and kill for the sake of their beliefs.
Village idiot. What do you want the secret service to do ? -
Why do we get TTATT and others don't?
by quest81 ini have thought about how ttatt came full circle for me.
how the connecting the dots was simple and just made sense,.
how silos of information are literally at our fingertips today.. why is it that the ones we love cannot get ttatt?.
Why do we see the truth and others don't?
Did anyone ask themselves that question when you were out in service?
I'll bet not.
The witless people are trained to obey.
What Exactly Is The JW View of Physical Discipline, Corporal Punishment?
by minimus ini believe that since it is not politically correct to spank your child, the watchtower doesn't push parents anymore in that direction.. years ago, elders would sit a parent down and tell them that they needed to discipline their kids and if needed, give them a spanking, since the bible says, they won't die if you give them a beating.. what is the watchtower's view on this subject now?.
My father beat the hell out of me, when I had children two girls I just could'nt bring myself to beat them. I punished them in other ways for bad behaviour like not giving them a bed time snack. They are both well adjusted women. -
Why do we get TTATT and others don't?
by quest81 ini have thought about how ttatt came full circle for me.
how the connecting the dots was simple and just made sense,.
how silos of information are literally at our fingertips today.. why is it that the ones we love cannot get ttatt?.
For me it was the book of genisuses. What a pile of crap! I prefered the scientific methods of understanding where I came from. Exiting this cult cost me my familly, but I have a new familly now all based in reality. -
Japanese torture of American prisoners in WW2 revealed
by fulltimestudent inthis is not a new story.
the japanese military in ww2 were barbaric in the way they treated captured servicemen.
i was about ten when my father's best friend came home from a japanese prison camp.
I have other stories about the ww2 vets that saved the world. They were an amazing bunch. My hat is off to them, -
Japanese torture of American prisoners in WW2 revealed
by fulltimestudent inthis is not a new story.
the japanese military in ww2 were barbaric in the way they treated captured servicemen.
i was about ten when my father's best friend came home from a japanese prison camp.
It's an amazing storry about my father in law. Locked in a work camp in Italy he was almost starved to death but some small german girl brought him food while he and others were starving. He gave my wife her name, -
Japanese torture of American prisoners in WW2 revealed
by fulltimestudent inthis is not a new story.
the japanese military in ww2 were barbaric in the way they treated captured servicemen.
i was about ten when my father's best friend came home from a japanese prison camp.
The human species is cruel and also forgiving. I've known a few ww1(one only) and ww2 pow's one being my father in law.Never again! -
Tsarnaev guilty - should he get death or not?
by Simon ini think he probably will (it is the us after all) but i hope he doesn't.
he caused incredible pain and suffering to men, women and children who had never done anything to him.
many died in unimaginable agony, others are disabled for life.
It depends on the person, for example myself if I had done that and been convicted the best gift you could give me would be a firing squad ,the thought of spending the rest of my life in super maximum security lock up would be worse than death itself. I've been to and worked in many federal pens so I know what I'm talking about.
On the other hand in this country the winds of politics blow from left to right and there is no gaurantee that you will spend the rest of your life in the pen. Just look at Carla Holmolka who is enjoying life in the Caribean or that guy who beheaded a man on a bus not that long ago who is now out on day passes.
For the first time, scientists find complex organic molecules in an infant star system
by freemindfade inlove stuff like this that gives better understanding into the universe around us.
Freedom fade
USAF Thule green land has a museum that has fossilized amino acids found inside of meteorites. I realize this is not a complex organic molecule but it also did'nt originate on earth. Life might be more ubiquitious out there than we realize.
1 Meeting for each of your fingers ? ? ?
by william draper inanybody remember how this became a doctrine , years ago , we were at the meetings so that out fingers would be learning something .
No william I was out in the eighties and it was old hat then