JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
“We are not done yet!” – Candace Conti reacts to appeal court decision
by Watchtower-Free in
candace conti (pictured in her interview with abc) has spoken out for the first time about the appeal court decision.
as current and former jehovahs witnesses digest the news that watchtowers appeal against the candace conti verdict has faltered, albeit with the punitive element of the judgment reversed, candace has reacted for the first time by telling me: we are not done yet.. news spread on monday that the state appeals court in san francisco had upheld the $2.8 million compensatory damages in the original june 2012 verdict, but overturned the $8.6 million punitive award against watchtower.. the court decided that, though watchtower had neglected its responsibility to supervise known pedophile jonathan kendrick in field ministry, a church-sponsored activity, the organization had no duty to warn parents in the congregation that a pedophile was in their midst or report him to authorities.. an insightful report by investigative reporter trey bundy has suggested that the court reached its decision because the precedent set by the conti verdict might be too burdensome to enforce.. the burden would be considerable because the precedent could require a church to intervene whenever it has reason to believe that a congregation member is capable of doing harm, and the scope of that duty could not be limited with any precision, the judges wrote.. candaces attorney rick simons responded by pointedly telling bundy: they think in public policy terms that theres too much risk in broadening the churchs responsibility and liability so that it burdens what churches do.
I have two daughters, one is a biochemist and the other is in law school. You go!! Candace. -
“We are not done yet!” – Candace Conti reacts to appeal court decision
by Watchtower-Free in
candace conti (pictured in her interview with abc) has spoken out for the first time about the appeal court decision.
as current and former jehovahs witnesses digest the news that watchtowers appeal against the candace conti verdict has faltered, albeit with the punitive element of the judgment reversed, candace has reacted for the first time by telling me: we are not done yet.. news spread on monday that the state appeals court in san francisco had upheld the $2.8 million compensatory damages in the original june 2012 verdict, but overturned the $8.6 million punitive award against watchtower.. the court decided that, though watchtower had neglected its responsibility to supervise known pedophile jonathan kendrick in field ministry, a church-sponsored activity, the organization had no duty to warn parents in the congregation that a pedophile was in their midst or report him to authorities.. an insightful report by investigative reporter trey bundy has suggested that the court reached its decision because the precedent set by the conti verdict might be too burdensome to enforce.. the burden would be considerable because the precedent could require a church to intervene whenever it has reason to believe that a congregation member is capable of doing harm, and the scope of that duty could not be limited with any precision, the judges wrote.. candaces attorney rick simons responded by pointedly telling bundy: they think in public policy terms that theres too much risk in broadening the churchs responsibility and liability so that it burdens what churches do.
The governing body are not delusional. They know exactly what they are doing.I would prefer a fight to the death! Jehovah be dammed! They robbed that girl of sooo much. -
Huge Shift in Doctrine?
by Lemonp ini am not sure why more people aren't talking about this?.
the march 15 study edition of the wt has some major changes!
- all unbiblical "types and antitypes" are now dropped.
Shifts in doctrine come and go in this cult. It doesn't matter! Rely on Jehovah LOL. -
Thank God For Disfellowshipping!
by Nicola.threeangelsmessage ini had the misfortune of being born into the jw faith.
however, i thank god every day that i was disfellowshipped otherwise i would never have found the truth.
good riddance to the watchtower bible track societys false publications, especially that book they claim contains the holy scriptures it is deceitful and full of darkness, and gets darker with every revision!
Nicola TTATT means the truth about the truth. -
Accidental Posting of 2015 Release on JW.ORG
by rosesinbloom ina couple of weeks ago someone posted that accidentally posted the 2015 regional convention release.
i can not fine the thread now.. i saw a picture of it yesterday.
a sister had downloaded the pdf and read it that night.. it is a 16-page brochure entitled "return to jehovah", with a purple background.. it has been designed specifically for inactive ones are those who have been raised around the truth but never baptized.
"Most men lead lives of quiet desperation". So true, but then again I'm not most men. Bringing out a leaflet like this, just screams how desperate they are. -
Accidental Posting of 2015 Release on JW.ORG
by rosesinbloom ina couple of weeks ago someone posted that accidentally posted the 2015 regional convention release.
i can not fine the thread now.. i saw a picture of it yesterday.
a sister had downloaded the pdf and read it that night.. it is a 16-page brochure entitled "return to jehovah", with a purple background.. it has been designed specifically for inactive ones are those who have been raised around the truth but never baptized.
This brochure (Returh to Jehovah) will be released on Friday afternoon at the convention.
I can hardly wait! Still looking forward to a couple of elders showing up at my door.
“We are not done yet!” – Candace Conti reacts to appeal court decision
by Watchtower-Free in
candace conti (pictured in her interview with abc) has spoken out for the first time about the appeal court decision.
as current and former jehovahs witnesses digest the news that watchtowers appeal against the candace conti verdict has faltered, albeit with the punitive element of the judgment reversed, candace has reacted for the first time by telling me: we are not done yet.. news spread on monday that the state appeals court in san francisco had upheld the $2.8 million compensatory damages in the original june 2012 verdict, but overturned the $8.6 million punitive award against watchtower.. the court decided that, though watchtower had neglected its responsibility to supervise known pedophile jonathan kendrick in field ministry, a church-sponsored activity, the organization had no duty to warn parents in the congregation that a pedophile was in their midst or report him to authorities.. an insightful report by investigative reporter trey bundy has suggested that the court reached its decision because the precedent set by the conti verdict might be too burdensome to enforce.. the burden would be considerable because the precedent could require a church to intervene whenever it has reason to believe that a congregation member is capable of doing harm, and the scope of that duty could not be limited with any precision, the judges wrote.. candaces attorney rick simons responded by pointedly telling bundy: they think in public policy terms that theres too much risk in broadening the churchs responsibility and liability so that it burdens what churches do.
17 minutes ago
You are such a great example of courage Candace!!I agree and givem hell!! -
“We are not done yet!” – Candace Conti reacts to appeal court decision
by Watchtower-Free in
candace conti (pictured in her interview with abc) has spoken out for the first time about the appeal court decision.
as current and former jehovahs witnesses digest the news that watchtowers appeal against the candace conti verdict has faltered, albeit with the punitive element of the judgment reversed, candace has reacted for the first time by telling me: we are not done yet.. news spread on monday that the state appeals court in san francisco had upheld the $2.8 million compensatory damages in the original june 2012 verdict, but overturned the $8.6 million punitive award against watchtower.. the court decided that, though watchtower had neglected its responsibility to supervise known pedophile jonathan kendrick in field ministry, a church-sponsored activity, the organization had no duty to warn parents in the congregation that a pedophile was in their midst or report him to authorities.. an insightful report by investigative reporter trey bundy has suggested that the court reached its decision because the precedent set by the conti verdict might be too burdensome to enforce.. the burden would be considerable because the precedent could require a church to intervene whenever it has reason to believe that a congregation member is capable of doing harm, and the scope of that duty could not be limited with any precision, the judges wrote.. candaces attorney rick simons responded by pointedly telling bundy: they think in public policy terms that theres too much risk in broadening the churchs responsibility and liability so that it burdens what churches do.
The 4 mill award in the grand scheme of things is chump change to a publishing empire like the watchtower. Publishing empires come and go and especially in the internet age that we all live in now. Just ask any magazine or newspaper publisher. -
“We are not done yet!” – Candace Conti reacts to appeal court decision
by Watchtower-Free in
candace conti (pictured in her interview with abc) has spoken out for the first time about the appeal court decision.
as current and former jehovahs witnesses digest the news that watchtowers appeal against the candace conti verdict has faltered, albeit with the punitive element of the judgment reversed, candace has reacted for the first time by telling me: we are not done yet.. news spread on monday that the state appeals court in san francisco had upheld the $2.8 million compensatory damages in the original june 2012 verdict, but overturned the $8.6 million punitive award against watchtower.. the court decided that, though watchtower had neglected its responsibility to supervise known pedophile jonathan kendrick in field ministry, a church-sponsored activity, the organization had no duty to warn parents in the congregation that a pedophile was in their midst or report him to authorities.. an insightful report by investigative reporter trey bundy has suggested that the court reached its decision because the precedent set by the conti verdict might be too burdensome to enforce.. the burden would be considerable because the precedent could require a church to intervene whenever it has reason to believe that a congregation member is capable of doing harm, and the scope of that duty could not be limited with any precision, the judges wrote.. candaces attorney rick simons responded by pointedly telling bundy: they think in public policy terms that theres too much risk in broadening the churchs responsibility and liability so that it burdens what churches do.
You go Candice you are the last thing the watchtower needs right now. Never let it be said that you didn't give them the last thing they need. LOL -
A Titanic Thread
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite in14 april 1912: rms titanic struck an iceberg during her maiden voyage in the north atlantic.. 15 april 1912: after two hours and forty minutes, rms titanic sank, resulting in the deaths of 1,517 people.. according to watchtower, when armageddon strikes, it will be the equivalent deathtoll of 4,000,000 titanics sinking.. praise jah?.
b the x.
When the iceberg was spotted and the engines were thrown into reverse, why did only 2 of the 3 propellors begin to spin backwards while the central propellor simply stopped and remained stationary?
OK Snugglebunny you've got me tell me why?