The whole driverless vehicle scenario will be in a way reminiscent of the old stage coach days and horse drawn delivery vehicles. A lot of places had horses and mules making decisions about milk and egg delivery routes to people in cities. Or the town drunk scenario hopping on his old horse drawn wagon to go home and sleep it off after he'd had too many. Driverless vehicles have many safety advantages for sure.
I just like Morpheus like to drive and be in control but the nanny state may one day take these old things we now take for granted away. It's funny when you think about how technology causes things where humans are concerned to come full circle. We were once reliant on a partnership with the judgement of horses and their owners for our transportation needs then we broke free for a while and relied on own judgement with the operation of vehicular machines. Now it appears we are going to give machines and software the say in guiding our movements for a while.