I remember as a young man sitting in another witness young man's basement watching television and drinking a few beers when he pulled out a letter that he got that day from a young sister in another congregation. She was obviously very smitten with him and he was indifferent as to his attitude about her. So we decided to write her back and we made up a story about the various ordinary things we did and the things we were worried about and it was our intention to make us both look a bit weird.
We told her how we were taking a correspondence course in taxidermy and that sometimes the formaldehyde got to us and caused us to pass out and not remember what had happened. Now I don't know if there is such a thing as a correspondence course in taxidermy but it sounded weird enough to us LOL. He joked in the letter about our many conversations with each other about our obsession with taxidermy and how sometimes some of the neighbouring animals seemed to go missing and how we suspected each other of stealing the animals stuffing and hiding them.
He mailed the letter and about two weeks later we were both called into a council session with the elders about the dangers of drugs and inhalants and how they might cloud your judgement. They never indicated to us what it was that brought about the elder's wise council to us but we both knew. You just can't make stuff like that up LOL