JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
Fresno man facing murder charge after shooting a Jehovah’s Witness who refused blood transfusion
by Tenacious ina fresno man is facing murder charges in court this week for the shooting death of a jehovahs witness who later died after refusing a blood transfusion.. according to police, quevedo and silva argued over over gang membership with quevedo returning later in the evening to shoot silva through the security door at his home.. silva reportedly told a fresno police officer jehovah, jehovah, im dying, im dying, as he was taken to a hospital where he died during surgery after refusing a blood transfusion because he was a jehovahs witness.. it is the belief of many jehovahs witnesses that it is against gods will to have a blood transfusion.. according to defense attorney antonio alvarez, quevedo should not have been charged with murder because silva refused a transfusion that could have saved his life.. prosecutor gabriel brickey disagrees and will call fresno county pathologist michael chambliss to testify that, even if silva had received the transfusion, he would have died because one bullet hit a a major vein.. quevedo has already served time in prison for felony battery and theft and was on supervised release when he was arrested for shooting silva.. if convicted of murder he would face life in prison.. original story with suspect picture can be found here: fresno shooting.
This will be an interesting case to watch. Mainly because it's in California. I am sure he will be convicted of something. But of what? We'll have to see. -
We all should asked what part of the world are you in? -
Did judge Rutherford piss off Hitler
by greenhornet inthe jws at the time in germany where considered part of the aryan race, (since they were not jews).
then things changed for the jws after rutherford mailed a letter to hitler bragging about jehovahs kingdom on earth.. so can we add this to the bloodshed that that the watchtower corp is responsible for?.
Fascinating posts by Birdwoman2 on your link Orphan Crow thanks. Politically neutral my ass! -
Yes pain my unprofessional opinion is that your eating disorder might have something to do with the Watchtower. It's maybe something you should talk to a medical councilor about? With your parents not present. -
FayeDunaway is right do not get baptized. No.1 not even in a moment of weakness to please your parents. It's like jumping off a cliff. You can't go back once done. -
What kind of an eating disorder do you have? If it's affecting your health I suggest you seek out competent medical advice right away. You have to make sure your ok before addressing other things. There is a lot of competent advice on this forum regarding the other things just wait for it. -
Welcome BlackWolf your among friends here. I have two daughters older than you. I grew up in the truth too. I know it can be hard sometimes. -
Did judge Rutherford piss off Hitler
by greenhornet inthe jws at the time in germany where considered part of the aryan race, (since they were not jews).
then things changed for the jws after rutherford mailed a letter to hitler bragging about jehovahs kingdom on earth.. so can we add this to the bloodshed that that the watchtower corp is responsible for?.
Thanks again for the link. I have much to learn about Bird Woman 2 . Too late for me tonight but I know it will be there in the morning. Again thank you. -
Did judge Rutherford piss off Hitler
by greenhornet inthe jws at the time in germany where considered part of the aryan race, (since they were not jews).
then things changed for the jws after rutherford mailed a letter to hitler bragging about jehovahs kingdom on earth.. so can we add this to the bloodshed that that the watchtower corp is responsible for?.
Thanks Orphan Crow that link works. -
What triggered your doubts / awakening?
by Tornintwo ini am sort of new here, used a different username for a while but things got 'difficult' at home so i've since been lurking.... what i would be really interested to know, if you don't mind sharing, is what it was that triggered your doubts and initial research which led to awakening, was it a bad experience, injustice, changed doctrine?
for me, it was seeing mistreatment of young ones in the congregation, they're under so much pressure and as soon as they go even slightly astray they are shunned, either informally (as bad associations which pushes them further into the 'world') or formally - with elders dying to throw the book at them so they even lose their family.... ...then reading about child abuse issues in the press.... ...which led me to silentlambs.
...then jw facts, this forum and coc, wham!
I don't think there was ever a time when I was ever really in. I was always ashamed of being a witness. I hid the fact from everyone I could. What a way to grow up. My family pushed me into baptism what a mistake that was!!
There were always doubts that I had but strangely most of the rest of my family toed the party line, and still do.
Any of the born in ones feel the same as me? I don't think I am alone.