Village Idiot
I'm sure the governing body are already aware of it.
during the long debate on the question of gay marriage, there have been many competing answers to the question of, "how many people are gay?".
a very anti-gay christian minister in sydney, the reverend fred nile, (who is also a member of the state parliament) claims that the percentage is as low as 1%.. some university (u.of new south wales) research in sydney has suggested 5%, but the authors of the study cautioned that there was a problem in the fact that an unknown number of respondents would likely not admit to being gay.. there are other problems in asking the question.
for example, what does being gay mean?
Village Idiot
I'm sure the governing body are already aware of it.
during the long debate on the question of gay marriage, there have been many competing answers to the question of, "how many people are gay?".
a very anti-gay christian minister in sydney, the reverend fred nile, (who is also a member of the state parliament) claims that the percentage is as low as 1%.. some university (u.of new south wales) research in sydney has suggested 5%, but the authors of the study cautioned that there was a problem in the fact that an unknown number of respondents would likely not admit to being gay.. there are other problems in asking the question.
for example, what does being gay mean?
Village Idiot
This preacher would make a wonderful addition to the governing body. I don't go to star bucks either! I go to Tim Horton's instead. LOL
personally i think this is wonderful.
i have nothing against gay people and wish them only the best.. but of course i'm in a minority of one, the jw's around me are posting away on fb the most homophobic vitriol imaginable.
a lot of them are even saying that it's the start to armageddon!!.
but I don't see how it supports your argument that the purpose of marriage is the "procreation of the species".
Sir 82
The Inuit in Canada's far North for example have treated their marriages as venues for survival and procreation of the human species for thousands of years. It's part of the culture. It was not dreamt up by some crazy adam and eve story either.
this interview was posted april 16, 2015 on youtube.
lorenz reibling's replies to the reporter in argentina are in english.. lorenz reibling is intimately connected to the watchtower society and, according to some sources, is a jw himself..
so who is lorenz reibling?
we have been wondering for a long time who the real movers and shakers are behind the Governing Body.
I think OrphanCrow is showing us one of them.
I agree Millie. I don't think the present governing body could organize a trip to the bathroom. I've been looking into this in a little more detail lately. One question I have for anyone out there is this. Have you ever met or sat beside or seen any voting member of the "Society"? All the average person knows about are the governing body!
in my studies i have found that much of the bible is a retelling of older stories from babylon, sumerian, and egypt.
it's starting to look to me as though the writer of the book of revelations may have used the idea of tiamat 's monsters as his templet when writing about the beasts in this book.
one similarity is the scorpion men or the men depicted as having scorpions tales that will ride around and kill a third of the earth.
this interview was posted april 16, 2015 on youtube.
lorenz reibling's replies to the reporter in argentina are in english.. lorenz reibling is intimately connected to the watchtower society and, according to some sources, is a jw himself..
so who is lorenz reibling?
it will be interesting to see what will happen with the "beloved" 501c3 tax exempt status which the churches hold so dearly onto.
the first-century christians met in homes.
they did not have exemption from taxes to the governments.
The government will simply say "OK, you can keep your freedom of religion, but since you are not in agreement with our civil rights
I am trying to sort through the legal implications of this ruling by the supreme court. My question regarding this is, if they can rescind tax exempt status for civil rights violations then why have they not done so already for women? I mean clearly women are treated like 2nd class citizens within the cult.
did you ever feel like born ins were looked at differently than those that were converted?
i always felt that there was a level of suspicion around those "raised in the truth".
that we were always suspected of being jws to make our family happy.
How much do you think the difference matters among them? I remember some elder meetings where the difference manifested itself... It must among them too, at least at times.
Interesting question. I don't think the difference matters to the governing body at all. No one is born into the GB. They have their careers behind them now. They are set for the rest of their lives they don't have to worry about where their going to live or how their going to pay for it.
It's funny how things come full circle. There is not much difference between those zealous converts I encountered long ago and the GB sitting in their comfortable pews encouraging the rank and file.
did you ever feel like born ins were looked at differently than those that were converted?
i always felt that there was a level of suspicion around those "raised in the truth".
that we were always suspected of being jws to make our family happy.
those that converted after a career and marriage always seemed to find it odd that young JWs struggled with those things.
What always bugged me as a child growing up were those zealous converts who had a good education and life prospects. New cars, nice houses, secure income, etc. They would be the first ones telling me to throw everything away and pioneer and reach out. They used to say "If I'd only known the truth at your age things would have turned out so different. Sigh..." (Damn right they would have turned out different you'd be looking where your next meal is coming from in stead of living in your semi retirement paradise awaiting god's judgement on the world)
Being a born-in sucks. I was lucky I had help in certain areas by other born-ins who were intelligent enough to know when to ignore the WT's counsel, and get an education, career, etc. Many others don't fare that well. Converts know absolutely nothing of that life.
I have to agree strongly with you there done4. That is why I married out of the truth and my two University educated kids know so little about it. I couldn't possibly bring my kids up the way I was. My kids don't appreciate what I did for them but I'll bet many on this site do!
submitted by the governing body for your approval!
credit freemindfade with on the script....
The next time I watch a rerun of that movie I'll be laughing. I hope I'm with good company when if it happens. If I am with a bunch of strangers when/if I view the movie the next time their going to think I have a very strange sense of humor.
Well done LOL