I too have thought about (why me?) many times and I don't think it has anything to do with intelligence I think its as simple as being a follower. Many follow because it gives them a sense of comfort some follow out of fear some follow to achieve a sense of notoriety they wouldn't otherwise have. For me it was just a desire to know whats really going on in the world around us.
The objective of what really going on at least for me is its own reward, sort of like a Fermat's last theorem kind a thing. I'd like to elaborate more on this but I can't today because of the constraints of time and the words in this post just won't suffice lol .
It occurred to me the other day that even if I wanted to go back to "the truth" and get reinstated I'd have to sit down throw my hands up and learn what the witness teachings are today before I could agree or disagree with them as far as they are concerned. The overlapping generation thing would be the biggest change. For an organization and individual members that swallow this kind of new light all the time its clear to me that they are not averse to changing their minds about things as long as the GB says its ok to do so. They are followers and their peaceful existence is their reward.
My reward is just being able to figure something out and be content in doing so. It's doesn't sound like much but it's all just a matter of perspective. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" truer words have never been said.