JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
by awokenjw ini am a new member to this forum.
i am a current jw who is currently struggling to leave or stay, depends on how you want to look at it.
i have created a new blog, to allow me to have an outlet for the cognitive dissonance in my brain.
Welcome. You are among friends who can sympathize with the mental tug of war going on in your head. Many here have been through it themselves. -
Does anyone pray and if so to who?
by duc007az init's been years since i've prayed and the last one i prayed to was the god known as jehovah.
just wondering.
Do I prey? No, I wouldn't know who to pray to and for what purpose. The closest I come are little thought experiments that I have but the conversations in my mentally diseased mind .are always with myself. -
Elusive happiness teaches a hidden truth!
by iconoclastic inmany seek happiness externally and many a time assign others the possession of their happiness.
when they derive a sort of happiness from external sources, they dont feel satisfied, hence jump to the next and then to the next .... in contrast, jesus said gods kingdom (or real happiness) is within (entos) you.
this cannot be misinterpreted as jesus being the king of the kingdom was amidst them as jws do.
VillageIdiot: He wouldn't last a minute on a JW website. Only here would he be put up with.
You are probably right village, I don't know because I have never attempted to post anything on a JW website. I don't mind hearing things from other posters that I disagree with, If reading what I feel are laughable and futile attempts at cult recruitment on here are the price we have to pay to keep an open mind then so be it.
Participate In The EX-JW Personality Test!
by C0ntr013r infirst of all; i must admit that i'm not a huge fan of putting people in boxes like this, it is not an exact science.
but i still think the data can be quite interesting and i intend to collect it and share it in a structured way with you guys.
so without future ado here are the details.. link to test: .
Anybody try answering the questions falsely just to see what you would get? I slide the indicator in all questions all the way to the left and then the right. When everything was answered to the left I was deemed a leader when I pushed the indicator to the right I was deemed a good architectural candidate.
What seemed even stranger was the comments at the bottom of each test result page. They all seemed to be a little flattered and agreed that the test nailed their personality to a tee. Now either the test is amazingly accurate or its just little demonstration of our inherent narcissistic tendencies.
I know, I know, my wife would say "spoken like a true Taurus" LOL.
Here's an idea to make money off of JWs
by Funchback inan ex-jw ("apostate") should create a competitive business selling jw-related products as found on this site (check out the prices!!!):.
of course, you'd never mention anything about your "apostate" status.
Funchback before launching a website selling things like that you'd better check into copyright infringements and things along this line. The wtbts would be right along to collect their share of the profits if it were successful. -
VW emissions cheating and driverless cars
by Simon inwhen i first heard about this it sounded like they just had a mode that was optimizing the vehicle's emission levels which sounded good.. turns out, they were detecting when a car was being tested to cheat the control system..
their shares are down 19% - but larger than the financial fallout is the trust.
this is the worlds largest car manufacturer!.
From a big picture point of view there is a need to link the various technologies involved in driverless vehicle systems whether they be drones or air planes or cars into some kind of a format that will be easily understood and easier for everyone to use. Just think computer operating systems before the introduction of windows. It made Bill Gates, et al rich.
The computer hardware was already established before the windows operating system came into being and its the same right now for driverless vehicle technology. We just need a new windows operating system. Just like computer operating systems and the communication systems they utilize the operating system for driverless vehicles will increasingly develop faster and become more streamlined. I am sure there are a lot of people working on this right now.
VW emissions cheating and driverless cars
by Simon inwhen i first heard about this it sounded like they just had a mode that was optimizing the vehicle's emission levels which sounded good.. turns out, they were detecting when a car was being tested to cheat the control system..
their shares are down 19% - but larger than the financial fallout is the trust.
this is the worlds largest car manufacturer!.
The whole driverless vehicle scenario will be in a way reminiscent of the old stage coach days and horse drawn delivery vehicles. A lot of places had horses and mules making decisions about milk and egg delivery routes to people in cities. Or the town drunk scenario hopping on his old horse drawn wagon to go home and sleep it off after he'd had too many. Driverless vehicles have many safety advantages for sure.
I just like Morpheus like to drive and be in control but the nanny state may one day take these old things we now take for granted away. It's funny when you think about how technology causes things where humans are concerned to come full circle. We were once reliant on a partnership with the judgement of horses and their owners for our transportation needs then we broke free for a while and relied on own judgement with the operation of vehicular machines. Now it appears we are going to give machines and software the say in guiding our movements for a while.
VW emissions cheating and driverless cars
by Simon inwhen i first heard about this it sounded like they just had a mode that was optimizing the vehicle's emission levels which sounded good.. turns out, they were detecting when a car was being tested to cheat the control system..
their shares are down 19% - but larger than the financial fallout is the trust.
this is the worlds largest car manufacturer!.
Simon:But we're supposed to trust them when it comes to driverless cars?
Driverless cars are the way of the future and they are coming faster than most people think and are soon to be more ubiquitous than anyone can imagine.
The biggest hold up lies with the legal ramifications that are likely to occur. For example if your driverless car gets nabbed for speeding or is involved in a collision who is at fault? Not the driver or the car manufacturer maybe the software firm that developed the on-board navigation system. There are also privacy concerns with data logging of where you've been and the list goes on. The lawyers are going to have a field day with this.
Vehicles are getting too expensive especially in places like china and in many more developed jurisdictions labour to produce them is getting too expensive. Thats why the Asia Trans-Pacific Trade deal is such a big deal right now.
In places like Canada its going to be a bit more difficult to fully develop the driverless automobile market because of our Northern Latitude. Imagine being in a driverless car in a prairie snow storm. LOL.
I can envision a day in the not too distant future when hardly anyone will still own their vehicle. It will be much easier and cheaper to subscribe to a driverless taxi service.
I just want to find new friends ^_^
by pureginseng0 inmy name is ji-seong lee and about jw life, it has been almost 11 years after baptism.. but researching about jw bad behavior, it was a real shock (including child abuse by elders).
but i think just keeping jw lifestyle is more comfortable than stopping it, because of my family.... i have mom, father, and one older sister, and my father was an elder (not now) and my sister is regular pioneer.. so it is just a challenge to quit my religion.. because i just love to make friends throughout the world, (nomatter what religion backgrond they have) i post this text and in the end of this you will find the kakaotalk id of me!!.
i am male and 1993 jan. born.
Welcome pureginsing I am from Canada. -
The Road To Paradise Is Paved In Stupidity
by freemindfade inat the special assembly day (sad) imitate the desert god.. here is a word for word quote from the co during the baptism talk .
"an intellectual approach to the truth will not lead to everlasting life"....
Secret Slave Class: Since we are encouraged to imitate him we'd better all start behaving like assholes. God must have been proud that Adolf Hitler had these same qualities
Yes but poor old Adolf didn't have a second death or a lake of fire to deal with his mentally diseased. He being just a mortal had to contend with extermination camps and ovens.
At least god has the loving provision to use his spirit directed organization and people to clean the human mentally diseased debris.