Is it all right with you to talk to apostates? Many people on this website are.
I was hoping that fact might be lost in translation for few minutes.
Is it all right with you to talk to apostates? Many people on this website are.
I was hoping that fact might be lost in translation for few minutes.
i am a dyed in the wool carnivore.
i suffer from cheese addiction.
lobsters are mercilessly boiled alive.. but after watching this new documentary called cowspiracy on netflix, all that may change.
Halfway through the movie, I thought "Ok, maybe I'll become a vegetarian but still eat fish, that can be sustainable, right?" Wrong
Actually I disagree with that assertion. By eating fish you are saving all the water that they would normally consume in their lifetime. Not to mention all the faecal debris they spew into our water.
Welcome. I can speak with you so you can practice your English.
You might be better off practising your English with someone other than an American or Canadian. For example I know a couple of Newfies that will sure make your English language skills dance. LOL
Mandy: it's just a little different in particularly for words contraction ^^
True Mandy I was talking to a bunch of true Parisian French and they couldn't understand what i was talking about. Every time I started talking about what time it was they indicated they were looking for a star. Not "A cette heure" LOL
Welcome Mandy. Your among friends here.
The closest thing I have to French is the Habitant spoken among the Quebecois, sort of a bastardized version of your language.
i was paired with this older "brother" when i was a teenager.
he was very very strange.
he was a nice guy but goofy.
I was in service once and an elderly Danish brother had a householder that sicked a big German Shepherd dog on him. The dog lunged at him with his mouth wide open and the brother lurched and grabbed the dog by the mouth, squeezing the dogs tongue between his gloved hand and the dog's teeth. The dog began to yelp and whimper as the dogs blood from his injured tongue started running out of his mouth. All the while the elderly Danish brother had this, big shit eaten grin on his face from ear to ear as he whispered something in Danish into the dog's ear. The house holder got visibly excited and started yelling at us.
On subsequent trips to that same neighbourhood the dog would just look at the Danish brother from afar and growl. LOL You just can't make stuff like that up!
i do believe islam conflicts with constitution.
your thoughts.
so i was fooled by the witnesses.
what can i learn from that?
not to accept things at face value but to seek out opinion and different view points.. hence my question " do you believe man landed on the moon?.
It was inevitable.
Where else besides a former JW forum would you get someone perceptive enough to point that out during a debate of this nature? LOL
did just seen the new amgiii broadcast about the difference between dogma and obey.. "the faithfull slave is not dogmatic, you just have to obey!!!
" .
day text -- saturday, september 19 - "he will certainly bring about deliverance from the assyrian."mic.
today, jehovah certainly has provided an abundance of spiritual men to shepherd his precious sheep, to strengthen his people for the future attack of the modern-day assyrian.
the most practical step that we can take to prepare for the coming attack of the assyrian is that of strengthening our faith in god and helping our brothers to do the same.
Now is the time for any who may be putting their trust in secular education, material things, or human institutions to adjust their thinking. w13 11/15 3:16, 17
This tripe just keeps on going. Understandable speech, literacy, possession of material things beneficial to our survival and human institutions are all the result of secular education. So lets adjust our thinking and have none of them see how that goes!