JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
Why did you choose Jehovahs Witnesses?
by vinman ini'm wondering why ones on this forum initially became jw's.
if you were born in, why did you make it "your own"?
if you became one later, what was your draw and driving force?
Born in. Sigh! Proverbs 22:6 "Bring up a boy according to the cult when he grows old he will hate the cult".So true. Note: Actual biblical quote not exactly as shown. -
For those of you that are disfellowshipped, How Far Would Your Faithfull JW Family Go To Stay Loyal to The WT?
by John Aquila inive seen jw parents shun their disfellowshipped children for 20-30 years.
ive seen parents remove disfellowshipped or fader children from wills and give the inheritance to the watchtower..
if your country got run over by some form of government like the nazi regime and started a process of eliminating any groups or individuals who it considered a threat.
writerpen:The confusing thing is that my parents' degree of shunning changes. Sometimes it's a very hard line; other times it's not as hard core.
I experienced similar behavior myself. I think in my case it was probably because of advice given from the local body of elders in a vain attempt to coerce my return to the flock.They probably thought they would be able to come between me and my family. I was never a victim of sexual molestation or anything like that but in my case there were other things that I think there were factors that influenced my parents egregious behavior. I will disclose them someday.
Why does it appear to hurt more now? In my case it's because the pressure is off me and I have time now to reminisce about previous events. No professional therapy on my end its all just self analysis. There is an old saying about a man that felt sorry for himself because he had no shoes until he met a man who had no feet! Then he realized he didn't have it that bad after all. It's the way I try to envision things its all just a matter of perspective.
What is the most bizarre counsel you received as a JW, from a JW?
by Funchback inthere were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
1) An anointed sister counseled me to break up with my black girlfriend because we would detract from the message when speaking to racists. When I told her that was silly, she raised her voice at me in service, and told me to "read between the lines". I clammed up, but she was pretty well respected in the hall. Nuts.
2) No Nestle had blood products from animals.
There was no racism in any of the congregations I attended that I was aware of. I do remember one black elder who was a big time weirdo it was painful to listen to one of his talks how he pronounced things LOL. I used to feel sorry for his normal wife and children who used to sit in silence as he spewed out his stupidity.
I remember hearing about the Nestle quick blood thing too. LOL.
For those of you that are disfellowshipped, How Far Would Your Faithfull JW Family Go To Stay Loyal to The WT?
by John Aquila inive seen jw parents shun their disfellowshipped children for 20-30 years.
ive seen parents remove disfellowshipped or fader children from wills and give the inheritance to the watchtower..
if your country got run over by some form of government like the nazi regime and started a process of eliminating any groups or individuals who it considered a threat.
Thanks Sabin. I try to stay on the sunny side of life but there are times when I have to wipe the occasional tear when I get thinking about all I've been through. I hate this cult!! -
For those of you that are disfellowshipped, How Far Would Your Faithfull JW Family Go To Stay Loyal to The WT?
by John Aquila inive seen jw parents shun their disfellowshipped children for 20-30 years.
ive seen parents remove disfellowshipped or fader children from wills and give the inheritance to the watchtower..
if your country got run over by some form of government like the nazi regime and started a process of eliminating any groups or individuals who it considered a threat.
Don't know what happened there posted before I was done writing!
Anyway that's the only reason I don't reveal exactly who I am. It would hurt her and I have no wish to do that.
When she dies however her funeral will indeed be one that I will attend and I will have my say to certain individuals. Living a good and prosperous life is the best revenge and I hope that it eats certain ones alive.
For those of you that are disfellowshipped, How Far Would Your Faithfull JW Family Go To Stay Loyal to The WT?
by John Aquila inive seen jw parents shun their disfellowshipped children for 20-30 years.
ive seen parents remove disfellowshipped or fader children from wills and give the inheritance to the watchtower..
if your country got run over by some form of government like the nazi regime and started a process of eliminating any groups or individuals who it considered a threat.
Kaik: I know JW's who died without ever reconciling with their children. They considered their shunning as a sign of martyrdom for "Truth".:
My own parents are like this now. They did not come to my Wedding but decided to show up to visit my wife and the Grandchildren for a while mostly when I was not around. No doubt as a tactic to win the support of my wife and kids. We then moved to a different city and I have not talked to them in years. My own Father took his shunning posture of me with him to his grave. I did not find out he was dead until after his funeral was over. I have a couple of trusted spies that keep me informed now about my Mother in her aging years. I feel she's been through enough with various things that;s why I keep my identity secret and try not to give away who I am on a forums like this.
Is it all right with you to talk to apostates? Many people on this website are.
I was hoping that fact might be lost in translation for few minutes.
Uh, wow. I think I might become vegan.
by marmot ini am a dyed in the wool carnivore.
i suffer from cheese addiction.
lobsters are mercilessly boiled alive.. but after watching this new documentary called cowspiracy on netflix, all that may change.
Halfway through the movie, I thought "Ok, maybe I'll become a vegetarian but still eat fish, that can be sustainable, right?" Wrong
Actually I disagree with that assertion. By eating fish you are saving all the water that they would normally consume in their lifetime. Not to mention all the faecal debris they spew into our water.
Welcome. I can speak with you so you can practice your English.
You might be better off practising your English with someone other than an American or Canadian. For example I know a couple of Newfies that will sure make your English language skills dance. LOL
Mandy: it's just a little different in particularly for words contraction ^^
True Mandy I was talking to a bunch of true Parisian French and they couldn't understand what i was talking about. Every time I started talking about what time it was they indicated they were looking for a star. Not "A cette heure" LOL