Petroglyph:It will be so destructive to those communities if the JWs get a foothold there. I feel sick in my stomach thinking about it.
Me too. The Inuit people are an amazingly resilient people to have survived and prospered for so long and under such harsh conditions. They are not stupid people! But I fear that some of them might be especially vulnerable to cults like the dubs. Maybe its just evolution? They will have to learn to deal with the idiots from "Down South".
I personally can't see how the custom of shunning and disfellowshipping will go over big among them. They are a very forgiving people and shunning someone over some stupid belief (not even eating with such a man) won't sit well with them. Coming together and fellowship with one another has been used by them as a survival mechanism in the harsh Arctic environment for a long time. They do have some very strange beliefs and folklore especially among the elderly ones, sort of the same as the idiots down south have.