JoinedPosts by truthseeker100
Officials in Remote Northern Canada Thank Jehovah’s Witnesses for Special Bible Education Campaign
by OrphanCrow inthis article was published by the wts on their website.. i find this jw practice of targeting vulnerable populations to be so disturbing.
the last thing that canadian aboriginal communities need is yet another institution that victimizes their members..
officials in remote northern canada thank jehovahs witnesses for special bible education campaign.
I have been thinking about this and the Watchtower's disfelloshipping policies and how they might play out among Canada's Aboriginal population. A simple google search reveals a lot about the disfellowshipping practice but what would help even more is feed back from questions asked by Witnesses to, Bethel or some other place of authority within the jurisdiction of the guardians of doctrine, about how the policy would work among Aboriginal people in Canada's North. If the organization has any brains at all they would not answer any inquiries. Who knows they might just answer questions carefully asked? The answers to any carefully crafted questions, hypothetical or otherwise, would do great damage the WBTS's image among the Inuit in my opinion. -
Officials in Remote Northern Canada Thank Jehovah’s Witnesses for Special Bible Education Campaign
by OrphanCrow inthis article was published by the wts on their website.. i find this jw practice of targeting vulnerable populations to be so disturbing.
the last thing that canadian aboriginal communities need is yet another institution that victimizes their members..
officials in remote northern canada thank jehovahs witnesses for special bible education campaign.
A food hamper would benefit Northern people way more than religious literature produced by the WTS.
So true.
Lets all hope that this is just an public relations stunt for the Watchtower. So they can tell all the rank and file how their spreading the good news in all the inhabited earth. In my opinion education about the Dubs is most important. I can't stress enough what a big turn off to the Inuit the disfellowship policy would be. Try not talking to or associating with someone while sheltering from an Arctic storm! See what that does to your rank and file!
Officials in Remote Northern Canada Thank Jehovah’s Witnesses for Special Bible Education Campaign
by OrphanCrow inthis article was published by the wts on their website.. i find this jw practice of targeting vulnerable populations to be so disturbing.
the last thing that canadian aboriginal communities need is yet another institution that victimizes their members..
officials in remote northern canada thank jehovahs witnesses for special bible education campaign.
I don't have knowledge of the particular community mentioned in the article but the whole North Arctic region is a huge area with hardly anyone living in it so word spreads very quickly. When I get chance later I might tell a couple of stories about it just to illustrate. -
Officials in Remote Northern Canada Thank Jehovah’s Witnesses for Special Bible Education Campaign
by OrphanCrow inthis article was published by the wts on their website.. i find this jw practice of targeting vulnerable populations to be so disturbing.
the last thing that canadian aboriginal communities need is yet another institution that victimizes their members..
officials in remote northern canada thank jehovahs witnesses for special bible education campaign.
their findings would spread like wildfire through their community.
Yes words, rumours and innuendo spread like wildfire.
Officials in Remote Northern Canada Thank Jehovah’s Witnesses for Special Bible Education Campaign
by OrphanCrow inthis article was published by the wts on their website.. i find this jw practice of targeting vulnerable populations to be so disturbing.
the last thing that canadian aboriginal communities need is yet another institution that victimizes their members..
officials in remote northern canada thank jehovahs witnesses for special bible education campaign.
Petraglyph internet access is limited and very expensive in a lot of those areas but it is improving all the time. believe me, there is nothing better than sitting nice warm and comfortable at the keys of a good internet connection through the long Arctic night. -
Officials in Remote Northern Canada Thank Jehovah’s Witnesses for Special Bible Education Campaign
by OrphanCrow inthis article was published by the wts on their website.. i find this jw practice of targeting vulnerable populations to be so disturbing.
the last thing that canadian aboriginal communities need is yet another institution that victimizes their members..
officials in remote northern canada thank jehovahs witnesses for special bible education campaign.
Petroglyph:It will be so destructive to those communities if the JWs get a foothold there. I feel sick in my stomach thinking about it.
Me too. The Inuit people are an amazingly resilient people to have survived and prospered for so long and under such harsh conditions. They are not stupid people! But I fear that some of them might be especially vulnerable to cults like the dubs. Maybe its just evolution? They will have to learn to deal with the idiots from "Down South".
I personally can't see how the custom of shunning and disfellowshipping will go over big among them. They are a very forgiving people and shunning someone over some stupid belief (not even eating with such a man) won't sit well with them. Coming together and fellowship with one another has been used by them as a survival mechanism in the harsh Arctic environment for a long time. They do have some very strange beliefs and folklore especially among the elderly ones, sort of the same as the idiots down south have.
Officials in Remote Northern Canada Thank Jehovah’s Witnesses for Special Bible Education Campaign
by OrphanCrow inthis article was published by the wts on their website.. i find this jw practice of targeting vulnerable populations to be so disturbing.
the last thing that canadian aboriginal communities need is yet another institution that victimizes their members..
officials in remote northern canada thank jehovahs witnesses for special bible education campaign.
On second thought, I am in a bit of a quandary(got to love that British spelling) about what to do about this? The more attention and emails they get from "Down South" the more chance they might feel a little flattered. The Inuit Elders are to a large degree just like our politicians. They like attention and the perceived money it might bring. -
Officials in Remote Northern Canada Thank Jehovah’s Witnesses for Special Bible Education Campaign
by OrphanCrow inthis article was published by the wts on their website.. i find this jw practice of targeting vulnerable populations to be so disturbing.
the last thing that canadian aboriginal communities need is yet another institution that victimizes their members..
officials in remote northern canada thank jehovahs witnesses for special bible education campaign.
This article was published by the WTS on their website.
I find this JW practice of targeting vulnerable populations to be so disturbing. The last thing that Canadian Aboriginal communities need is yet another institution that victimizes their members.
I agree 100% with that statement. I removed free literature from the library in Iqaluit and checked out a JW truth book never to return. I am not one that's into burning books but in this case I might make an exception. I think the Inuit people are especially prone to a cult like the JW's. It's it long cold dark winter night throughout Canada's far North and it can drive a person crazy looking for relief I would hate to see any of those people poisoned by any new light from the Watchtower. I will be sure to send him an email too!
What is the most bizarre counsel you received as a JW, from a JW?
by Funchback inthere were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
I am glad you appreciated it Morpheus and Oubliette.
Oubliette don't the student testimonials in that advertisement give you that warm and fuzzy feeling about how normal these people are? LOL just kidding
What is the most bizarre counsel you received as a JW, from a JW?
by Funchback inthere were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
I remember as a young man sitting in another witness young man's basement watching television and drinking a few beers when he pulled out a letter that he got that day from a young sister in another congregation. She was obviously very smitten with him and he was indifferent as to his attitude about her. So we decided to write her back and we made up a story about the various ordinary things we did and the things we were worried about and it was our intention to make us both look a bit weird.
We told her how we were taking a correspondence course in taxidermy and that sometimes the formaldehyde got to us and caused us to pass out and not remember what had happened. Now I don't know if there is such a thing as a correspondence course in taxidermy but it sounded weird enough to us LOL. He joked in the letter about our many conversations with each other about our obsession with taxidermy and how sometimes some of the neighbouring animals seemed to go missing and how we suspected each other of stealing the animals stuffing and hiding them.
He mailed the letter and about two weeks later we were both called into a council session with the elders about the dangers of drugs and inhalants and how they might cloud your judgement. They never indicated to us what it was that brought about the elder's wise council to us but we both knew. You just can't make stuff like that up LOL