JoinedPosts by found-my-way
by Mary inok, here's the original:.
and here's a blank canvas for you: .
by Mary inok, here's the original:.
and here's a blank canvas for you: .
Relative to the Population at large on a 1-10 how do you rate.....
by new boy in1.your physical attractiveness.. 2.your intelligence.. 3.your personality.. with 5 being average.. i don't think many will answer these tough questions.
1.Your physical attractiveness. 5
2.Your intelligence. 5
3.Your Personality. 9
MaryMary, I dont know what you look like, so I cannot say anything about your appearance, but I highly disagree with your rating of a 5 on your intelligence. You know you should rate yourself at MINIMUM an 8.
what I rate myself:
1. 6/
2. 6
3. 6
What % of JW's think they will make it to the New System without dying?
by JH inwhen i joined some 20 years ago, i was 99% sure i'd make it alive and see the new system without dying, because they way they put it, the end was so close, and i was so young.. today, if i was still going to meetings, i would say that i would be 20% sure of seeing the new sytem without dying first.. if you were still a jw, or if you still are going to meetings, what % would you say is your odds of making it to the new system without dying?.
I used to hear alot more about people buying thier "Armegeddon car" but not so much anymore. All those cars have rusted away and been replaced.
This sentence jumped out at me!
My grandmother who was in her 60's in the early years of 2000 said that her fairly new station wagon was going to be her last car till the big A. She lost her husband to cancer several years ago, and is now remarried...she will be 70 soon, and is still very young at heart. She has also sold that '97 station wagon (not so new anymore lol) and bought a new car.
It just makes me sad that she can still be such a believer and be so brainwashed!
When we (on JWD) speak of the rank and file, she is one of them!
That wasnt very loving
by mouthy inhad a jw phone me last night ,( r.thompson) ??
wanted to talk about the wicked things happening in the world.
i asked "are you jehovahs witness ?
Hhahahaha.Good for you Grace!
Calling the police???? Can you say hypocritical!? How would they like it if every homeowner called the cops on them??
How cowardly of that brother.
baby killer
by the dreamer dreaming inmany have read 2 sam 12 and simply kept going without seeing that mythical jewish god has murdered a baby because he liked king david.
it seems that believers can justify their fraud almighty no matter what crime he commits.
can anyone serve a baby killer out of love and respect?
It's always bothered me how god can kill innocent children throughout the new testament, and then when Jesus arrives on the scene, he (Jesus) embraces the little children and tells his disciples that unless they become like little children they cannot inherit god's kingdom.
Completely contradictory.
One god dashes babies on rocks and punishes his servants by killing their children, while the son of that god loves children.
Finally starting to understand faders...
by ex-nj-jw ini haven't been posting for about 2 weeks, just kinda lurking, reading other posts, but not participating because i started to feel like i had nothing interesting to add, my life experiences, personal issues were just not very interesting to others on the forum, i felt.. i also started reading coc as well as reading old posts and reviewing the links from "old timer" jwd members.
see, i never got deep into this cult, 18 years from birth to end and i was outta there!!
i never pioneered, never had the ms or elder husband, although i dated a ms, he was only 19 early 20's at best (i was only 16) but that didn't last.
I tried not to let this cult affect my children, but unfortunately I didn't try hard enough, because my mom got a hold of my oldest (his story already told, again not very interesting I guess),
I found your story very touching and sad! Please do not think that just because you may not have gotten many responses, (I'm not sure if you did or not), that no one found it interesting...many read and do not post...but they feel for you just the same.
I hope your friend realizes how damaging this cult can be, especially now that the wolves in sheep's clothing have devoured his daughter, mind raped her and then cruelly spit her out...I hope he sees how heartless this religion really is.
Missing someone... badly
by daystar inbrigid took a weekend trip back to where she moved from to visit family.. i know it's selfish of me, but i miss her very, very badly.
i have never missed anyone so badly in my life, other than my son when he visits his mother.
and it's only been three days.. it's very lonely here without her.
Your love is so beautiful.....
It's a joy to see true passionate love
JFK Murder Plot "Deathbed Confession" Aired On National Radio
by needproof informer cia agent, watergate conspirator e. howard hunt names the men who killed kennedy.. .
listen to the radio clip here
Clicking on the link I heard the first sentences, (you see nothing but a mp3 bar with volume, fast forward, rewind, play, pause, etc on a white background.)
then a blank yellow box popped up above that, and my screen was frozen entirely. (I only had 2 IE windows open) alt+F4 did not work.
I had to control+alt+delete to close down the IE windows. all of them were frozen...
has this been anyone's experience when trying to hear the radio clip?
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 4-29-07 WT Study (ANGELS)
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 04-29-07 wt study (march 15, 2007, pages 21-25)(angels).
review comments will be in red.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.
By the way did he kill those naughty male angels who unmaterialized.
The materialized angels were put into ''the abyss'', to be held there until the ''day of destruction''.