You are so right Flipper, not only I faded in 1975, but while still living at Mom's house, working, giving her half my paycheck for house expenses [bad daughter, eh?] My mother [who married pop in a Kingdumb Hall in 1956] had me cornered by the Judicial Commitee in our home, Why do you ask?
Well, I fell in love with a non-JW and the horror of it, there was a presumption of fornication in the air....Imagine, the same 3 ministers didn't miss me for 3 whole years, but thought to have the moral duty to interogate me at the request of my mother....that summer [1978] I moved out, my mom in her desperation of losing "control" of her daughter told the elders of my address, against my wishes, knocked on my door unannounced as if I was being stalked and when I no longer wanted to discuss my private life, they threatened me with disfellowship, by this time this religion no longer had a mental hold on me, so I just close MY apartment door in their faces and the rest is history......yes I was d'fd, but out of the 3 elders....months later I found out that one got deleted as elder and another one got disfellowship 'caused he made the terrible mistake of correcting and error he found in a Theocratic Ministry article and spoke of it at the meeting , poor guy......he was only trying to do the right thing, but the Borg doesnt make mistakes. oh for me has been good.
this website had help me a lot and thank you all for your REAL spiritual love!!!!