"on another note, i had the inestimable priviledge of viewing the october kingdumb ministry...in which there is a most enlightening article written apparently with sensitivity to the minimal IQ factors....in which they define various "parts" of the service meeting. First, there is a "talk". This is what a speaker does standing on the platform and the audience just listens. A "question and answer" part involves certain questions being posed to the audience. The audience may respond when called upon and parrot back whatever the "answer" is. Seriously....are they all brain dead???? How can they stand the stupidity???"
Love this comment - makes me think of how they would pick apart a paragraph in the KM and look for, and get, answers ad infinitum/ad nauseum on the same paragraph, pointless little blurbs of garbage. Minimal IQ factors is so right - everything is tailored to low IQ, including the admonishment to not hold hands during prayer.