I had lunch with my stepson today. This is not a regular or typical occurrence as he is pretty well indoctrinated into the dubs. I am separated (& close to divorce) from his father. At the height of our difficulties, the ex would run to the elders and tell them things about me. I assume it was that I was having doubts, in addition to implying that I had cheated on him. I really don't know because I was pretty well done with the dubs at that point. I just know that he was a regular seat warmer at the meetings. He gave a good impression of being a faithful Christian (the reality was far from it, but hey--I was the one not attending the meetings so what did I know?).
So it came up in conversation with stepson that his father has ceased to attend the meeting altogether for the last 4 months. I can't explain the weird feeling inside me after hearing that. This is a man who hounded me to confess my "sins" to the elders against the advice of my therapist (that story is my first thread on this board if you are that interested in the background) and now he is not even active? Good for him for getting out of the borg, but it just seems strange to me. I know he was seeing someone when I finally moved out of the house and perhaps that has heated up to the point that his "conscience" won't allow him to attend the meetings any longer. I think it may be sadness I am really feeling because I was hoping that he really hadn't cheated on me and that I was mistaken. I didn't want to be mistaken to get back together with him, but because I want to believe that he was a good man deep down inside. *sigh* I wish I didn't care and I wish that whatever this weird feeling is inside me would GO AWAY!
I am just rambling with no real purpose. Thanks for listening.
JoinedPosts by FreeGirl2006
Weird Feelings
by FreeGirl2006 ini had lunch with my stepson today.
this is not a regular or typical occurrence as he is pretty well indoctrinated into the dubs.
i am separated (& close to divorce) from his father.
Jehovah's Witnesses and Showing Off
by Good Girl or Bad Girl? inso i guess it's convention time again back in wisconsin or illinois or wherever the hell they drive nowadays.
someone made me unfortunately have to remember this.
so i got to thinking about the conventions and the showing off that took place there:.
I used to look forward to seeing friends at the conventions that I had not seen in a while, but I always made sure I was dressed to the 9's. I did not enjoy being single in the borg either--I was constantly being asked what was wrong with me that I was not married and the conventions offered opportunity to meet someone. Blech! I had it made as a single gal then and wished I had valued that a bit more carefully.
Mojito--tall, cool & refreshing
Do You Have The Desire To Move On From Your JW Past?
by minimus insometimes i wonder if some might actually enjoy staying in a rut.
do we forsee ourselves being totally liberated from our former religious past??
personally, i have no issues feeling bad, angry or hostile toward where i am now.
I agree with Hortensia, I have moved on and have no desire to go back. I like coming here though and interacting with the kind and thought-provoking folks here. It is entertaining and reinforces my decision to move forward dub-free.
I really appreciate Blondie and her recaps of the WT studies. This place was a great refuge for me in the beginning when I was cast out and had no support network, so everyone is hero in my book.
For the men:
by changeling inhow many of you grew a beard when you left the wt, just because you could?
becca1--I once streaked my hair with a deep purple (I have light brown hair). Not much they could do about it...I even went out in service like that.
With a heavy heart I regret to inform you that..
by Wordly Andre ini regret to inform, all of you that i will no longer be a member of this board, ive thought about it a long time and to hard decision that after many hours of praying i will be returning to the society.
i know its the only way i can confront the problem that i am currently faced with, i am sure all of you at one time thought about it too, i am however weak, i know that going back will only delay matters and keep this horrible secret of mine, but its the only way i know how i can deal with it.
thank you for all your support and for me to fully get back to jehovahs organization i can not be a member of this board thank you worldly andre
You are a tricky debil aren't you?
For the men:
by changeling inhow many of you grew a beard when you left the wt, just because you could?
Can anyone tell me why it is acceptable in dubdom world to have a moustache but not a beard?
Discussion With A Close MS Friend
by sweet pea inlast night i had a phone call from a concerned friend who knows we face a jc.
he means the world to me and is like my second dad.
he is a loving, intelligent wonderful man (a little opinionated, but aren't we all?
It is really rich that he told you not to believe everything you read in the papers, but when they slam the various "false" religions from the platform, they use this very medium for source material. What is good for the goose...
No more JWs in my family
by Crooked Lumpy Vessel inthe last remaining one in my family is now out.
she cracks me up though.
she and her husband split up after 7 years of marriage and she started dating a guy that she met at a tikki hut bar.
Being df'd is great from the aspect that you get left alone! No more pesky elders snooping into your life! Kudos to your relative for having the strength to meet them head-on!