I had to endure the trauma of relating my tale of sexual abuse by elder/step-creep before a panel of three crusty elders when I was 10 years old. i was not allowed to have my mother with me. I was asked to describe the abuse in detail which I did. The question that really shut me down emotionally was "Are you sure he wasn't just showing you fatherly affection?" I realized with that question they didn't believe a word I said...of course they did nothing to the creep. He went on to molest both my sisters and had already been accused of molesting my babysitter. I lobbied for years to bring this animal to JW justice as I was comvinced by my mother and elders that we could not involve the police. When I was in my 20s this animal was finally dfd for the abuse because my one sister finally agreed to speak to elders. It was too late to involve the police by then. He was reinstated a mere year or two later...free to continue molesting in a congregation in NC.
The trauma of meeting the elders twice was as bad as the actual abuse. My heart goes out to these victims...and how they were made to participate in this kangaroo court.