Loved! Absolutely brilliant.
someting happened yesterday that i thought might be noteworty enough to relate to you here.. mrs. eyz and i were invited to my new boss's home for his annual end of summer party.
it's a pretty big deal....his is a name known locally (i'll call him j.r.) a really nice interesting guy who's held a number of high level and politically connected jobs.
there was to be music, dancing, wine and reprotedly lots of well dressed, well educated, well to do and influential people (oh yes...and us) in attendance.. anyway we thought we'd make an occasion out of it and got ourselves spiffed up which involved new outfits and extra mirror time before we left home.
Loved! Absolutely brilliant.
is there any way we can try to start a crowd-fund to help terry get some wheels quicker than he currently can?
with craigslist and a couple of bucks from a few members we can help terry get moving.
does anyone have any ideas how we can do a "theists for terry" bike fund raiser and challenge the atheists to a bucket-head challenge?
Seriously, if you don't want to donate-move along instead of getting your panties in a twist.
Coumt me in once you get the details together.
i made accidental but prolonged eye-contact with a single hot sister while she was eating a banana....the banana was fully in her mouth and neither one of us looked away.....are we dating now?
are either of us guilty of fornication??.
I think you are now considered engaged.
i'm guesting at the river city comic expo tomorrow, saturday the 16th.
if you get a chance stop by and say hello.
more information can be found at -->.
Sci fi Photo Guys....they do cosplay and celebrity photos on green screen. Lots of fun at the conventions!
i'm guesting at the river city comic expo tomorrow, saturday the 16th.
if you get a chance stop by and say hello.
more information can be found at -->.
I see you are going to the Cincinnati Comic Expo...I won't be at that one (or River City) but my boyfriend and his company will. If you end up going to Epic Con Ohio in October let me know as I will be at that one and it would be fun to meet you.
i don't care about the political shizz behind it and i am a brit as you (y'all), know.. enjoy the fireworks.
enjoy your day.. regards paul .
The Doctor! I will be celebrating next month for sure!
what say you about thier comming audit?
these guys arn't that clever they been using this cover for too long and now their goose is cooked, i'm thinking some serious violations are in the making for this greedy corporate ceos /governing body/faithful and discreet slave.. of course i could be wrong, but i think their goose is cooked!.
The Center for Invetigative Reporting is taking suggestions for charities to look into:
article is basicqlly about families where a spouse is working away from home for an extended period, etc...a foot note says basically that some studies have shown that working away from home can cause serious consequences, such as infidelity, homosexuality, or incest.
pull it up on is what it says.
Since when did they start to care about incest? Without two witnesses, incest doesn't happen in their rule book. Does homosexuality really happen in the Borg without two witnesses???
the study article imitate the faith of moses study article, is the same old blah that they always have.
moses, a guy who lived 4000 years ago, did.
something when he was 40 years old when he was in egypt and when he was in the wilderness at the burning bush, an angel communicated with him.. .
Not that I am defending the Borg, but I seem to recall a CO wife who had been a ballerina. Think her last name was Casper. Early 90s in the SE part of the US. If it is her they quote...she was one unhappy biatch when I worked with her in the so called door to door ministry.
oh my goodness, i'm so angry i can't even speak!
"women who complained that former jehovahs witness elder jonathan rose, 40, had molested them as children relived their nightmares in front of him after he was released from jail".
I had to endure the trauma of relating my tale of sexual abuse by elder/step-creep before a panel of three crusty elders when I was 10 years old. i was not allowed to have my mother with me. I was asked to describe the abuse in detail which I did. The question that really shut me down emotionally was "Are you sure he wasn't just showing you fatherly affection?" I realized with that question they didn't believe a word I said...of course they did nothing to the creep. He went on to molest both my sisters and had already been accused of molesting my babysitter. I lobbied for years to bring this animal to JW justice as I was comvinced by my mother and elders that we could not involve the police. When I was in my 20s this animal was finally dfd for the abuse because my one sister finally agreed to speak to elders. It was too late to involve the police by then. He was reinstated a mere year or two to continue molesting in a congregation in NC.
The trauma of meeting the elders twice was as bad as the actual abuse. My heart goes out to these victims...and how they were made to participate in this kangaroo court.