Can you prove he is NOT a Marxist? I knew Obama was a Marxist before I knew Glenn Beck, before I watched Foxnews
I read Obamas books on his life
It is all about CONTROL of BIG BUSINESS
i have been watching glenn beck for over a year and i like him...he says what most americans are thinking and feeling.
there is no doubt he has a love for our creator.
btw i was a jw for 10 years and left that religion for good...i have no desire to belong to another religion but i do consider myself a christian.. just wanted to know what your opinion is of glenn beck.
Can you prove he is NOT a Marxist? I knew Obama was a Marxist before I knew Glenn Beck, before I watched Foxnews
I read Obamas books on his life
It is all about CONTROL of BIG BUSINESS
i have been watching glenn beck for over a year and i like him...he says what most americans are thinking and feeling.
there is no doubt he has a love for our creator.
btw i was a jw for 10 years and left that religion for good...i have no desire to belong to another religion but i do consider myself a christian.. just wanted to know what your opinion is of glenn beck.
GM, AIG, Goldman Sacks, Big big to his pocket spending our tax dollars because Obama favors them over private business
Lots more....that is just a few...He has shown a disreguard for what "We the people" want, and gone ahead with his Obamcare that will break our country...and that is exactly what Obummer is doing. That is his plan.
i have been watching glenn beck for over a year and i like him...he says what most americans are thinking and feeling.
there is no doubt he has a love for our creator.
btw i was a jw for 10 years and left that religion for good...i have no desire to belong to another religion but i do consider myself a christian.. just wanted to know what your opinion is of glenn beck.
Beck is revealing the truth about the Marxist in the White House and his cornies from Chicago he has surrounding him.
I don't care what religion Beck is part of....
I listen to the what the Holy Spirit tells me in my heart when I ask for guidence. I don't need nor want to be part of a religion.
However that said, I will investigate the Mormon belief...I believe we give from our hearts and not because we are demanded to give 10% of whatever.
i got baptised about 25 years ago and was told the new system would be here by now.. along with a lot of other false promises.. so the answer for me would be no!!
I don't think a JW baptism means anything to God
i have been watching glenn beck for over a year and i like him...he says what most americans are thinking and feeling.
there is no doubt he has a love for our creator.
btw i was a jw for 10 years and left that religion for good...i have no desire to belong to another religion but i do consider myself a christian.. just wanted to know what your opinion is of glenn beck.
Personally...I think Glenn Beck is doing a great job of bringing people back to where we belong in America and as Americans, back to what our founders meant it to be. A country with, hope and charity...We have gotten off the track somewhere.
i have been watching glenn beck for over a year and i like him...he says what most americans are thinking and feeling.
there is no doubt he has a love for our creator.
btw i was a jw for 10 years and left that religion for good...i have no desire to belong to another religion but i do consider myself a christian.. just wanted to know what your opinion is of glenn beck.
Snowbird , do you wonder why you were insulted? Do you think it is because you represent the Angel of Peace and Love?
i challenge everyone on this board to show the same anger, hatred and racism at glenn beck's rally.
watch, listen, learn.
Try to remeber MLK was a peaceful man...not nasty or ugly like Liberals who have been swimming in the koolaid pool of hate.
i have been watching glenn beck for over a year and i like him...he says what most americans are thinking and feeling.
there is no doubt he has a love for our creator.
btw i was a jw for 10 years and left that religion for good...i have no desire to belong to another religion but i do consider myself a christian.. just wanted to know what your opinion is of glenn beck.
What a shame...if snowbird could only take a good look at herself....most Liberals are mean and nasty like snowbird
i have been watching glenn beck for over a year and i like him...he says what most americans are thinking and feeling.
there is no doubt he has a love for our creator.
btw i was a jw for 10 years and left that religion for good...i have no desire to belong to another religion but i do consider myself a christian.. just wanted to know what your opinion is of glenn beck.
sonwbird...why so nasty and ugly?
i have been watching glenn beck for over a year and i like him...he says what most americans are thinking and feeling.
there is no doubt he has a love for our creator.
btw i was a jw for 10 years and left that religion for good...i have no desire to belong to another religion but i do consider myself a christian.. just wanted to know what your opinion is of glenn beck.
JWoods, It is sad that so many are brainwashed by the likes of men like Al Sharpton who want to keep race in the running becouse it suits his pocket book....he loves to stir up trouble when there is none. Sparpton is getting rich off of race baiting.