Me? I was baptized as a Witness in 1975 and what a joy it all was. No one else in my family but my wifes side all are, still. I stopped going to the KH around 1995. Just couldnt do it any longer. Oh I was a fine well spoken of brother, served MS for many years never wanted to be elder and man did they push me. One CO said once To be an elder it has to be your full time job. Everything else is secondary. I saw so many just burn out, families collapse, I just never saw the reason to do that. For me it was no matter what I (you) did, it was never enough. Its like OK sheep you did 5 miles today, lets do 7 tomorrow. I just kept saying this is nuts. Ive got to step back. So I did, Im officially inactive. I never abandoned Jehovah, never came to disbelieve in him. But here is the problem, my wife. We have no kids, 30 yrs marriage, thank the WT for that, Not the time to have kids mean while time goes by and there you are. Anyway she wants nothing to do with anything NOT FDS. I have said some things, try to get her to think put not push but no go so far. Mainly the 1914 sham. I said, If the Kingdom is already here Where is it? There is nothing different, its been a 100 years, pick whatever date you want too. I dont want to bring anything to a head though. To many things in life have already been needlessly disrupted because of what somebody says whos holding a Bible. One of the few things I do know is that someday Jehovah will begin to rule as King.