I finally got it after reading the KIT three times trying to prove the WT right about the "great crowd" being on earth.
I prayed for Holy Spirit (finally found out I could by just reading the Bible NWT and finding the scripture at Luke 11:13 which says that
God "will give holy spirit to those asking") and started reading. I thought since Bro. Russell had found out the truth for himself that way,
that I could too. Well, imagine my surprise and shock!!! I could not find any scriptures that said they were on earth, but lots of reasons
to show they were in heaven. To me it was a mixture of emotions. I found myself mentally free from WT doctrine in that area, but a whole
'nother clutch of emotions about the future.
I am happy that I found this first truth that started me out of the WT thinking.
So glad I am now free!!!