Exactly. What IS wrong with the Christmas tradition? and sentimental feelings? As someone said earlier, it seems that the GB just wants to enforce an artificial difference, an "us/them" mentality.
So Christmas isn't mentioned in the Bible: yeah, well, neither is Brooklyn, but they seem to own a little bit of land there. Are they being idolatrous?! I think Christmas is very valuable because it briefly, sort of, directs people to think about Jesus.
Not grounded in Christianity?? The only holiday more central to Christianity than Christ's birth is Easter: Christ's atoning death and resurrection. But then they don't acknowledge the atonement of his death (the entire NT notwithstanding, e.g., Acts 4:12) or a literal resurrection (in spite of his deliberate actions to prove that he had been bodily resurrected: "Touch me! Look at this wound! .. Let's have some of that fish you just caught. Let's go for a walk to all the way to Emmaus.").
I had a visit from a JW during Christmas of 2000. A very sincere and personable individual, I must say, but still bent on the "Christmas is pagan" thing. I pointed out that every single day of the week is named after a pagan object of worship (Saturn, Sun and Moon; Tiu, Woden, Thor and Freya (Norse gods)). But the GB has never forbidden JWs to use the names of these days, or supplied alternatives. I said this not to shame or antagonize him but to suggest that (a) the GB have absolutely no business exerting the control that they do, and (b) it isn't pagan if you don't INTEND it that way. I personally am not doing pagan worship when I decorate a tree with my wife and we give our kids presents.
Right on Free. Be free, indeed! -- John 8:36.
It broke my heart to imagine you alone and crying on Christmas Eve as a child. Since my little guys were born, the idea of a child's lonely suffering has become extremely painful to me. Not that they suffer in particular, just that being a parent will do that to you. You are totally right on when you learn from these experiences and deliberately give your children the opposite.
I can imagine the Lord saying to all hurting ex-JWs: Come to me and I will give you rest ... I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten (Matthew 11:28; Joel 2:25). Aaaa-men.