Actually, believing god answers your prayer while ignoring the vast majority of humanity's prayers is quite arrogant. It indicates you believe you are so special that god can and does suspend the laws os the universe just long enough for you to get what you want...while god ignores everyone else.
ADCMS, I am in no better shape than the vast majority of humanity when it comes to prayer. What I cannot do on my own is what I pray for. I do not bother to pray for something that I can and should do. But there is so much that I believe I cannot change. Can you see that that is a problem, too? Have you never been overwhelmed by disaster?
What can you say to a child who is hungry who has not the power nor means to change a violent world around her, who cannot prevent the cruelty nor the policies that put such misery into her world? Should I tell her NOT to pray for a bread crust because she and I have the power to change it? Furthermore, she is arrogant to ask for a bread crust--it shows how superior she feels to the little boy next door who is as hungry as she is?
If LisaRose says she has never had a prayer answered and I say I have, I am prepared to be the fool here and say I am wrong about my opinion. It won't change what happened to me. It just means I'm silly. Or ignorant.
If I say I don't know whether the thing we call God is merely a coincidence or a phenomenon of string theory, it doesn't matter, does it? I refuse to ask God for a cure for my cancer, I think that is an unfounded hope.
I find in my wonderings about all these questions of God and prayer if the key isn't this: to ask for the power to love in hard situations. I wonder about this.
It requires the action to bring what remedies we can, to put aside selfishness. Certainly my own unformed intentions in my prayer helped me see my own selfishness. And no prayer that has since been answered has varied from that theme.
I too, have wondered if I am praying for help and being assaulted in any of the terrible ways that villagers in these countries have suffered: Nicaragua, Rwanda, Vietnam, etc. I wonder if I will love others still? Or will I become like the ones who rape me and brutally kill my children and my husband?
After God healed my spirit--or perhaps I did myself, whatever suits you--We, my little girls and I used to pray for "The boat people and all the little children" at meal times and bed time. I had heard that pirates in the South China Sea were boarding the overloaded boatloads of refugees trying to escape the horrors of Pol Pot and the retributions that were following in the wake of the SE asian wars. One particular account sickened me. a woman was left adrift in the ocean having beenwitness to the drowning of her children,the murder of her husband and enduring the gang rape of the pirates. At first opportunity we opened our home to sponsor some refugees. Yes, my atheist/agnostic husband did too. We had no utilities and it was a stretch for all of us (had a baby boy by then). Love moved us, prayer was a part of the matter.
The love that I perceived as God's gift of healing was possibly what you say it is--a natural occurance. But I have to ask for that love allthe time. My husband alternately praises me and complains of me. I am in a constant search to understand what this world is about. There has been a lot of trouble in my family. Drugs, violence, prison. And also much that is wonderful.
I dread my inadequacy. I do live with a measure of peace--but I have lived with a lot of violence too.
I am horrified as you are by the daily misery in the world, ADCMS. In small and large ways I can only understand that love may be the only portion I have to give. 33 years ago the woman in that boat was found by Christian missionaries. Was that a good or bad thing? It made me think for the first time-- what did they have to say to HER about the love of God? I doubted they knelt down with her to tell her the way of salvation. The horror is overwhelming. Is it better to love or not?
Do you really think me arrogant to pray that I can love people that treat me badly? Do you think me foolish that I cannot generate love in my own heart to do these things? I don't find myself able to do it. some day it may be found that people like myself were tricked into believing in god by their primitive prejudices. It may be so. But I am still going to pray and hope I am fooled again.