He left one out
I was at a business during the "end of false religion " tract campaign recently. I was in a book store looking at books and this dude in a suit who looked just like jesus manuel cano(really) came through the door and walked up to the book store clerk that I had just been talking to
He hands the clerk a letter in an envelope and says "message for you" turns around and walks out of the store. I knew immediately who this was of course. The clerk then opens the letter and out pops an "end of religion tract" nice and neatly folded. He looks at the tract and I say" Don't worry I got one of those too and it is too bad that the JW can question everyone elses religion except theirs, don't even bother looking at that tract because the JW are a cult". The clerk then crumples up the tract and throws it away. A wave of accomplishment swept over me as I realized that I might have saved another human from the hell bent torture of the JW cult.
The angels that looked at this event can learn a lesson . I you want a job done well then DO IT YOURSELFf