Here's my list:
SAD Special Assembly Day
CA Circuit Assembly
DC District Convention
WBTS Watchtower Bible & Tract Society
WT Watchtower
AH Assembly Hall
KH Kingdom Hall
BOE Body of Elders
COBE Coordinator Of Body of Elders
MS Ministerial Servant
CO Circuit Overseer
BW Brain Washed
DO District Overseer
RBC Regional Building Committee
BS Bull Shit
IVCW International Volunteer Construction Workers
DRC Disaster Relief Committee
MEPS Multi-language Electronic Photo-type System
TMS Theocratic Ministry School
SM Service Meeting
CBS Congregation Bible Study
PSS Pioneer Service School
KMS Kingdom Ministry School
SCE School for Congregation Elders
SKE School for Kingdom Evangelizers
TTATT The truth about the truth
R&F Rank and file
DF Disfellowshipped
DA Disassotiated
PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
CD Cognitive dissonance
WTF? Why Trapped Forsolong?
Sorry the last one was made up . . . MA (My Apologies)