Dear Lost ,
Please realize that depression is common when you go through anything like this, especially in times when everyone who has family that in some way rejects them because of misunderstandings , opinions , of even religious bios ,as is very typical in the brotherhood . Many families do not reach out simply because they have no clue what to do ....They arent licensed councelors , especially in your situation and dont want to be responsible if you go the wrong way .
Yet your case is not unusual , as it happens to especially those who have served at bethel ,or any other dedicated way and given their lifesworth of publishing the truth . And as is anyone that Satan has finally driven a wedge between to destroy , you will typically fall apart at first ... ,lose your joy , lose your zeal , and possibly your dedication to a small degree .
You find predjudice in the brothers , or your family , and possibly the professional councelors that help you in your depression . Because you want things as they were , and thats been lost with no restoration point .
But you can recover. In my case it took 2 years to get over my wife , of whom had 2 afffairs within 2 years . I forgave her for the first one at work ....we moved on . But she never found her focus . And she fell back into it again , a year later with a disfellowshipped brother who cheated on his wife and 2 children .
In my case we had 1 child . So total loss was 2 families , 3 children , multiple inlaws , many quit the truth , many movedaway , and on trying to regain mentally without family as they had it ......and it was a tragedy for most .
The main point of my reply is this . Sister Loss , you have to regroup . You have just been ambushed by Satans mercinaries to stop the preaching work in your sector . Remember the Witnesses are the Only group of people out there getting the work done in the preaching activity on the Local level , Finding people , baptising them , and then teaching them to " observe " all the things he commanded us .
That was your dedication , that is your mission in life ,
What you are going through is being allowed by Jehovah for a possible reason of justified purification of his people .....the bad part was it was your husband who didnt fulfill his part to serve and protect the family , he literally helped in its destruction himself , but through satans influence .
The result will be either your productive response in getting back in there and helping the rest of us dedicated brothers who keep up the " fine fight " ...never givng up on our main support , Christ Jesus.. And Jehovah , our Rock and Foundation.
Most likely as in my case wasnt till i finally decided to move to a new hall , make new friends who knew nothing of me and my circumstances ...yet allowing me to continue in my dedicated service , did i feel Jehovahs support in my efforts .
My depression over my family disappeared , and new ones came into my life to replace them ...Yet I survived . And Satan Didnt stop me .
Ps . Please realize most opinions in here are Apostate opinions of people who didnt recover , or worse ....fornicators , adulterers , themselves ( 1 Cor 6 :9, 10 ) And It would a shame to mix with them either in there ideas or pursuites , for the results would be as negative as their ideas .