Hello yknot,
Many thanks for your help.
I am the Jehovah Witness The Video Transcript:
"Salam aleikum.
My name is Valentino.
And I would like to report, as I am come to Islam.
I was a Jehovah's Witness… "
Witnesses folder chain prevents the Congress "Following the Christ" in 2007 to contact the visitors to an information booth apostate:
"No, he has to go.
It is fierce! It is fierce! "
Child scrolls conference publication and spontaneously shows the child abuse image
Hans Meisner RTL:
"When we recently made a broadcast time,
only through the Jehovah's Witnesses,
I agree with mud and dirt thrown because we have been told exactly "
baptism on Interview baptismal font:
"I have fixed the MUST the truth is and then I have also adopted"
"The small Jehovah’s Witnesses suspects not that their leaders are above all:
Money Raiser "
baptism on Interview baptismal font:
The answer to the question whether he must go now preaching:
"Yes, and then go on faith in ACTIVE"
Half a meeting in southern Italy can exclude:
"He talks a lot of love"
Underground connecting corridor (management to factory) in the branch office of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Selters.
Of this, I had nightmares for years later.
"Honestly, I have from the beginning always said that I learn the faith know, but I will never go door to door…"
"Where in the Bible, the Christian convert Christians?"
"I was minister of the Jehovah's Witnesses group there and have played an important role.
Up on 28 October 1995 where, praised be Allah, I have accepted Islam. "
"Approve the loyal slave and circumspect when Jehovah's Witnesses independently together to biblical themes to investigate and debate?
No "
Kingdom service September 2007
baptism to the question what he thinks, if people have a negative effect on the witnesses respond:
"They reject us personally but not from our faith"
3 x Italian God, Jehovah's Witnesses
baptism to the question whether he does not prefer something else would do than sit in Congress:
"Of course if you have this beautiful weather could go into the outdoor…"
second baptismal question:
Lecturer: "Are you aware that you join the spirit-directed organization subject?"
baptism: "Yes!"
Lecturer: "Very good"
Original recording C.T. Russell:
"Religions are a trap and dizziness"
Original recording Reimund Franz:
"My father was baptized 1913"
Rutherford original recording:
"Millions now living will never die!"
Child tells his experience on a district congress in Denmark - Exemption reach 2006:
"The doctor said that blood transfusions were absolutely necessary.
They forced me a transfusion.
The best was (witness Earliest) did was to pray with us "
(Note: A doctor saves the life of the child and the Jehovah's Witnesses have the child, which - if it is to watch the company would be gone - actually dying, spiritually clean!)
"I wanted no more.
And - Well, yes.
I had to.
No matter what reason I mentioned.
And then when I was there Rebellious also blows. "
Bastian K. his blog "unspeaking":
"I wish them,
Maybe yes, they are Jehovah's Witness,
then I still loved it,
this is completely Unimportant me,
but please do not bother me so "
Wurscht = an Bavarian slang