May I add a different slant on the subject of -- cult?
I have been where most all of WBTS are and where most on JWD are. I know that it would not have worked with me to be faced with a confrontational approach. I have found that with most people I have talked with they are turned off by the direct confrontational approach eventhough the message is true.
It's all in what I/we what to accomplish.
The WBTS have taught us well and psychologists agree. We need common ground/questions and kindness to cause people to think long after our discussions.
I agree with Neverendingjourney's (good handle) expression high-control group/religion is a little more patatable termainology to use than cult. Again, it's all in what we want to accomplish. People (WBTS or Wal-mart cashiers) find that the expression high-control is easier to swallow and pehaps digest. I would rather help a person to get a few meager crumbs of bread to chew that have the satisfaction of throwing the whole hard loaf of bread at them.
There are no positive results from beating a dead horse.
Get a live horse if you want to get your work done.
Bottom line, what are we trying to accomplish.