And then there's the obvious non-separation of kids and adults at the hall. Other religions have special classes for kids. Not the JWs. JW kids have to learn at the same level as the adults and listen to adult topics.
Not to mention that kids can be subject to a judicial committee and be held accountable for very normal kid things. But they're tried as adults, and some are shunned as well. Kids are expected to behave like adults. There's a lot of pressure on JW kids.
I never felt like I was allowed to be a kid as a JW. I always felt like I had to be a mini-adult. Did you feel that way?
tall penguin
Yes, that's all very sad, and offensive.
My kids didn't really mind going to meetings when they were little - for one thing, I always let my little one sleep, so he was fine. And my other child is extremely sociable so she loved being at the Hall. Later when my son was a preteen he dreaded having to stop whatever fun activity he was engaged in, to go get ready for the meeting. But he went, as his dad insisted. And once there, he found his friends and had a good time, ridiculing everything. They loved doing that!
Later when each of them experienced the JW judicial system, I was infuriated by it all, but that was the last straw for me and I'm glad to now be free of the dirty little organization!