Hello Synergy, I'm so glad you posted your story for us and others to see. I'm just so very sorry you and other young people have had to endure this kind of unloving, unnatural, unchristian treatment from family and congregation.
I feel like bttt'ing your story from time to time, just to be sure new ones and lurkers who are actually in possession of a heart will see it. Possibly relate to it, have their eyes opened!
I said a similar prayer to yours, and voiced like sentiments to my committee when I first met with them to be reinstated. To the effect that I only wanted back if I could be convinced I belonged there among them. Of course I was never fully convinced of that! But for the sake of family I had to do it at the time.
What you said about how the organization considers a df'd person dead in the eyes of god and in the eyes of other JW's is so true. They really push that demonic idea on the young ones, since they will more easily buy it I guess, still influenced by parents' views of them. My son's father, my ex, pushed that notion, as did his committe, so much so that he changed his name on his cell phone to "Dead".
It made me absolutely furious! I countered that imbecilic notion regularly and tried to reassure him that he was by no means dead, he was just viewed, wrongly, as being in a certain "state" by a religion. Nothing more.
I'm really looking forward to the continuation of your story!