Crazy as it sounds but I used to love it when me or the kids had a cold. Then I had a REAL excuse to stay home for the evening!
JoinedPosts by boyzone
Whole day ruined because it's a meeting night?
by veen inat some point nearly every day of the week was soiled by the prospect of some 'spiritual' activity.
it took me years of inactivity before i started seeing tuesdays and thursdays as enjoyable, without a shadow hanging over them.
wednesday was always my favorite day of the week.. .
Why do I cringe? Why am I still so bitter?
by oompa inmade my own personal statement by skipping the memorial, and then went to the next regular ol sunday meeting with my wife.
i tried hard not to pay attention, but still went nuts when the wt said things clearly not in the bible (which i don't even believe anymore!).
so why does this still bother me?
Yeah thats right DublDipd
I've been disassociated a year now and the anger can be extreme at times. But on some days I just don't care what they think of me. Guess it depends what sort of day I'm having...
Expect to go through the whole gammut of emotions oompa, anger being one of the most prominent for a while. Don't try and bury the feelings but find a safe place to let off steam.
There have been several days when I've parked inches from the KH gates in my 4x4 with my foot on the gas revving the engine ready to plough through. I was SO angry that my only thought was hurting them the way they've hurt me (the KH was empty at the time, just wanted to damage something) It was my eldest son on the phone who managed to talk me down.
I don't recommend doing that but it might give you an idea how bad it can get.
I know you don't want to feel like you do but its natural, you are gonna get angry! You gotta talk.
Have you ever apologize to someone for trying to convert to JW?
by justhuman inthis is just a question that i will ask for the ex-jw's in this forum.
personally i did apologize to my friends in personal, for trying to convert them to jw' was a great experience!!!
i told them i was wrong and i was misleaded by a banch of false prophets, and i was really sorry that i tried to convert them to jw's.
I apologised to my sons for bringing them up in a cult.
They took it very well and were so pleased to see me (a hard-liner) finally see this religion for what it is.
Have we become like those we despise?
by boyzone inak jeff and i have just had a small disagreement on the charlton heston thread.
nothing important or serious, but it just struck me that in our exchanges he and brentr have used a couple of lines of false argumentation to get their point across.. i can't help but think its strange that with all our moaning about the watchtower and its false argumentation methods, are we prepared to use exactly the same methods when our views are challenged?.
i find this a bit disconcerting, especially on here of all places.
Thanks Jeff
Have we become like those we despise?
by boyzone inak jeff and i have just had a small disagreement on the charlton heston thread.
nothing important or serious, but it just struck me that in our exchanges he and brentr have used a couple of lines of false argumentation to get their point across.. i can't help but think its strange that with all our moaning about the watchtower and its false argumentation methods, are we prepared to use exactly the same methods when our views are challenged?.
i find this a bit disconcerting, especially on here of all places.
OK guys
Sorry if I came on too strong, I guess there's just so much anger inside me right now that I'm not being very diplomatic in the way I say things.
I get easily provoked. Its just the sheer frustration of, oh I don't know, everything. All the witness crap I have to deal with every day. My mum has just been diagnosed with bowel cancer yesterday too.
So I guess this board has been a place to vent.
Not a good way to start!! And not a good choice of topic to vent about. Really sorry.
God I could just set fire to a KH, sit back and watch it burn right now
Have we become like those we despise?
by boyzone inak jeff and i have just had a small disagreement on the charlton heston thread.
nothing important or serious, but it just struck me that in our exchanges he and brentr have used a couple of lines of false argumentation to get their point across.. i can't help but think its strange that with all our moaning about the watchtower and its false argumentation methods, are we prepared to use exactly the same methods when our views are challenged?.
i find this a bit disconcerting, especially on here of all places.
I've just read the Heston thread and Jeff has called me a troll and an asshole.
You know what? SHOVE IT. I don't need this. Its bad enough having to take insults from witness family and friends without coming online and finding it here too.
This board is just as bad as the congregation.
I'm gone
Have we become like those we despise?
by boyzone inak jeff and i have just had a small disagreement on the charlton heston thread.
nothing important or serious, but it just struck me that in our exchanges he and brentr have used a couple of lines of false argumentation to get their point across.. i can't help but think its strange that with all our moaning about the watchtower and its false argumentation methods, are we prepared to use exactly the same methods when our views are challenged?.
i find this a bit disconcerting, especially on here of all places.
.........yeah whatever
like I care what you think......
Have we become like those we despise?
by boyzone inak jeff and i have just had a small disagreement on the charlton heston thread.
nothing important or serious, but it just struck me that in our exchanges he and brentr have used a couple of lines of false argumentation to get their point across.. i can't help but think its strange that with all our moaning about the watchtower and its false argumentation methods, are we prepared to use exactly the same methods when our views are challenged?.
i find this a bit disconcerting, especially on here of all places.
Hi all and thank you for your kind welcome and for your opinions.
I guess I made an error in the title of the thread. I don't despise individual witnesses (well, some come pretty close) but the Governing Body have the full measure of my disgust and its to them and their methods of reasoning I refer to. I reckon we can all fall into the same trap if we're not careful, especially if we are a type to quickly get defensive.
I'm not asking whether Charlton Heston was a good guy or whether the public have a right to bear arms or not. Jeff used this as a red herring on the other thread. What I'm asking is when we have differences of opinions, do we resort to false argumentation to back ourselves up? Both Jeff and BrentR have done this unnessarily.
I apologise to AK Jeff and BrentR as I clearly misunderstood their thread. I thought it was in memory of him as a man. And as my opinion of him had changed somewhat, I didn't think it was off topic. I didn't realise that they only wanted to hear great things about Heston, hence my reference to rose-tinted glasses.
Here was your first post to an otherwise pleasant thread to that point:
Thats not true Jeff, I didn't turn the thread nasty. Others were far more vitriolic in their comments than I was. You didn't have to respond to my first comment, I was just expressing a personal opinion thats all. I hadn't intended on commenting further on this thread. Its just Brent took umbridge and came back with;
Alzheimer’s disease does not exactly allow you to be sharp as a tack when it comes to anwering questions
to which I replied in part
If he was able to stand up and rally a crowd of NRA members with long speeches and pithy punchlines, then he was able to handle a one to one interview. If he couldn't because of ill health why didn't his people tell him to refuse to do it? I'll tell you why. Because he thought Michael Moore was sympathetic to the NRA cause and that the interview would be a good PR exercise.
When he realised MM wasn't as sympathetic as he thought, ole charlie left the building
To which Brent came back with;
It tells alot about a person when they stoop to that level.
Talk about ad hominem! What do you mean by that Brent? What does it tell you about me? How low do you think I am? gutter?
Just because I don't agree with you. Nice. That was a cheap shot.
You conveniently forgot to mention that I also said;
He was a great actor, I loved Ben Hur
By pointing out his mistakes does not negate the good he accomplished in his life but it gives a fuller picture of the man, warts and all.
And that does far more justice to his memory
Heston was an admirable man in many ways
I lost a great deal of respect for the man. Not as a man with an distinguished career in the acting profession, my respect for him still stands in that field.
I was trying to be balanced in my opinion. But thats clearly not what you wanted to hear. So Ad hominem and red herrings were used just like the Watchtower does. Its this comparison that really offended you wasn't it? Then I apologise for the offense.
Have we become like those we despise?
by boyzone inak jeff and i have just had a small disagreement on the charlton heston thread.
nothing important or serious, but it just struck me that in our exchanges he and brentr have used a couple of lines of false argumentation to get their point across.. i can't help but think its strange that with all our moaning about the watchtower and its false argumentation methods, are we prepared to use exactly the same methods when our views are challenged?.
i find this a bit disconcerting, especially on here of all places.
HI Baba
If you can't say anything good, don't say anything.
LOL! Thanks for the reminder and the welcome.
No seriously, I've got lots of good to say. Just because this topic has piqued me doesn't mean I can't see the good!
Its just the days of me turning a blind eye to faults just because certain people don't want to hear them have gone. I had 21 years of that as a JW, why do I have to do the same here? Or is the answer to the OP a resounding YES. Have we really become like those we despise?
Hi BrentR
For someone as new as you are you better better have both barrels loaded before you start making accusations like that bucko!
Oh for Gods sake grow up.
Have we become like those we despise?
by boyzone inak jeff and i have just had a small disagreement on the charlton heston thread.
nothing important or serious, but it just struck me that in our exchanges he and brentr have used a couple of lines of false argumentation to get their point across.. i can't help but think its strange that with all our moaning about the watchtower and its false argumentation methods, are we prepared to use exactly the same methods when our views are challenged?.
i find this a bit disconcerting, especially on here of all places.
OK, Seriously taking your word for it that your not a dick, I've read through the thread again.
Nope. No rafter in my eye.
If you think that because I could see the similarity with the Witnesses defending of Rutherford and Jeff's defending of Heston is some sort of ad hominem remark then you're wrong.
It was a fair comparison not personally aimed at Jeff but at his line of reasoning.
So have a good nights sleep.
Anyway thats not the point. I'm talking generally and asking is it really a good idea to resort to false argumentation methods on here when we know thats exactly how the WT acts?
I think its something we should guard against. Otherwise whats the point of being able to think independently if we go right back into trying to fool ourselves or others by the same methods? What have we really achieved?
I may be a newbie but I've been a longtime lurker and have been disassociated a year after 21 years a Witness, So I'm not completely green.
Thanks for the welcome, by the way........