didgery doowgie
u have just invested in another 10 year waste of time that being the case
some of us are sukers
go play the piano or sumtin instead where u can contribute
ur not gettin any younger i hear
sizzle baby sizzle
i just made my first post in simon's new forum and it went without a hitch!
very clean.
very smooth.
didgery doowgie
u have just invested in another 10 year waste of time that being the case
some of us are sukers
go play the piano or sumtin instead where u can contribute
ur not gettin any younger i hear
sizzle baby sizzle
so i just wanted to see how much you guys pay for certain things - for comparison sake.. bread: a loaf of white sliced bread = r 9.00 incl vat (tax).
2 litre coke: r 11.00. a kg of deboned roast lamb: r 80.00 per kg.
a kg of chicken: r 25.00 a kg.
what dont u get matey? its straight as
what kinda ozi r u, live in point piper or sumptin?
so i just wanted to see how much you guys pay for certain things - for comparison sake.. bread: a loaf of white sliced bread = r 9.00 incl vat (tax).
2 litre coke: r 11.00. a kg of deboned roast lamb: r 80.00 per kg.
a kg of chicken: r 25.00 a kg.
wow what a pertinent topic for freinds......no wonder this board is going down
bread 3 bucks unless u get the bi-low or black n white then 99c\
2 grams of coke, around 600 bucks for the trick bolivian less half for that no name brand
the lambs a red back or so
chook is about a tener
spuds are 5 bucks for the organic ones that are all lop sided and imperfect lookin
cake is a bluey unless its sat arvo at woolies and expire date is within 24 hours then its a deuce or deuce and a half
Tv, well around a grand from harveys, but i can score one off macka for a couple of hung ( minus remote, he never locates them )
grundies a 7 pack of rios for 12 bucks ( do the job )
levis dunno dont buy jewish jeans
car, a hotted up SLR5000 or torana XU1 goes for about that
home, 4 bed around 1 mill in my area minimum, or 4 blocks away on the h20 around 5 mill min
a dodgy chic at the cross, costs ya around a nelson, unless u got item number 2 then its free
paying farkles bet for genius math, 500 smakers
ive long held the belief the wt is more a heavy handed pusher and seller of moralistic laws than spiritual guidance,.
it was strongly re commfirmed after the latest convention.. did anyone else notice this?.
any comments on the drama?.
ive long held the belief the WT is more a heavy handed pusher and seller of moralistic laws than spiritual guidance,
it was strongly re commfirmed after the latest convention.
did anyone else notice this?
any comments on the drama?
was it a valid parallel to todays life?
i believe they are limiting their target customer based on a collective mindset to simply do as they say and be a moral single focused drone according to their interpretation and custom.
there is very limited upbuilding offerings on offer these days, where the audience is not taught and encouraged to draw close to god in an ethereal sense, rather to map out their actions so as to achieve a WT endorsed goal.
i am convinced they feel they can earn gods approval.
are there any religions on earth that dont simply push their own agenda but guide their audience to a higher understanding ( without defining that )?
ok a couple of jws in my family have said this.. we were talking about usa politics and the comment was made "it doesn't matter who gets in....it will all result in the same outcome.
watch the lebanon!
" (jw gives a knowing look and emphasises the lebanon bit).
never heard this JW related
i have though been keeping a keen eye on specifically that area ( esp south border ) as those in the know will confirm, we could be months from battle, its the only war that modern isreal has lost and they are ready to do go round 2, the 3 ships are already dispatched
it is known iran are behind that group of the lebs, and this gets the message to them,
put the kettle on
JW related i would only assume these people u were with have a personal interest / opinion
i got this from another forum.
these guys at the tower are really getting desperate.
i have just come from our zone o visit, over 14,000 here in sydney and thousands more around oz listening in.
wasnt it a bit uncomfortable
he was trying to cough etc his talk was super long,
painfull to hear at times due to his unusal seemingly inexperience in public speaking
man sorry i really thought that was a pretty terrible talk to inspire esp at a convention and being of the GB
where was the spirit speaking from within him?
did u see the amount of people leaving half way through and esp toward the end?
i was in bay 80 right up the back, how about u?
out of curiosity i went back to page one of the forum.
well, actually they were blank until i think page five.
the first posts were mostly made by people still in the organization.
its going back ages and i cant recall all the details but i was part of the first group at the old H2O ( hourglasss )
lasted a while there then forget why it had to be closed
most of us moved to simons site and i would post regularly back in the day, mainly because the discussions were interesting, spirited and there were many more JW apologists me amoungst them, rebutting the daily blasphemy coming form satans crew as they were affectionately known as and for a significant stint having the farkelmeister as their CEO wannabe
they really were the good ol days, extreamly interesting, intelectual and witty exchanges. really shaped my spiritual paradigm actually
JanH and that other norwegien hairy dude were legends, man what was his name he split off to form his own site anyone remember....
who could forget Youknow and the debates he had mainly with Alan Furburger ( genius bloke )
we had a governing body member ( through Ros) posting on the forum ! as well as that other smart prik that wrote 3 dissertations, man he could argue a good point.
the aussie i remember best was the classic unclebruce, got to meet him real life to when i gave him $ 500 to give to douglass over a bet i may have lost on ths forum, i dont think i lost but poor douglas claimed to be on hard times even not having the funds to buy margarine...
i remember actaully threatening simon and the other posters that i would crash the site if they didnt do something or other ( i wonder if i can find those pages ) and i actually did it for 4 hours crashed the site cold, then brought it back you should have seen their {figurative} faces, fun times
i then remember the major issue like the JW'S had in the 80' s at bethel, the censorship issue. anyone remember the mechanisms of that, where sensorship was questioned it got to a point then where simon didnt relly moderate and delete much, and i remember the joker doug had to abuse this freedom and take it to a new low even for him where he posted a thread which contained the c word in the tile and was all about that word. most then fell into that mud pit and even Englishman ( later to become a SAS beside simon ) chucked his 2 bob in on that thread, you remember dont you mate how u have your balony cut up nice and thin..
then simon gets over strict and censors anything he wishes kiks me off the board for life for disagreeing with him and ointingout the error in his reasoning actually many get dissfellowshiped from JWD and some good looking canadian bloke goes and opens in competition to simon and starts JWO still censor free but not worth a pinch of poo
i could go on and on, its been at least 8 years for me in this community but u should discover for yourselves. from memory the action is around pages 900 ?
since some of us are still active and have to hide our so-called apostate literature, i am curious about where some of you keep it.
i have to leave it at my workplace.
i manage, however, to have one book at home.
interesting question
i ordered CoC 4 years ago, took it straight to work read it after hours.
then weeks after i was into it 2 brothers, incl 1 elder move into the office next door to mine, they came to work with me on a major project and would be there for 2 years. i was afraid they woud sight the book so i took it home.
my house has 14 rooms but i still couldnt find a place i was confident to hide it without being found by my partner.
it therefore lived in the car under the front seat for about a month. i would go to the park and read it that way until it was complete.
you know the feeling you get when you discover the contents of that book the joy of a significant find, the seemingly illicit gnosis maranading and intertwined with your daily thoughts.
i had to give it a resting place before it moved on to magically appear at the P.O's front verandah when i could muster the courage to excecute.
so i placed it carefully laying it spine up, at the back of the top cupboard at my home offfice where we would store watchtower publications, boardgames and on occasion my stash of non essential sympathomimetics. there was always heaps of stuff stored 2 layers in front of the book. on occasion i would clear this stuff to get a glimpse of the book spine to ensure it's resting in peace until the day of it's destiny arrives.
1 year goes by and i come home from work one day to discover my wife has emptied out that cupboard completely for some sort of sick evil spring clean, with a view to organising all the folded, mangled and graffitied on watchtowers that invariably get thrown into the front of that cupboard once they have been completely studied at the hall.
She did not mention having found a 'dodgy' book at the time but i noticed it missing from the collection of a well organised library.
whilst the thought of her finding the book or not ( where could it have gone, maybe the watchtower mags gave it a hard time and it simply had to leave or was forcefully driven out form the cupboard ) was festering in my mindfor a year i was never sure, until one day when we were out working the 'field' together a householder brought up the 'franz book' . i didnt comment ( it wasn't my door ) ) but suprisingly my lovely wife proceeded to have a 20 minute long discussion with the householder about how she once found a book a year or so ago in the back of a certain cupboard of her work OFFICE and identified it as being the franz book, not knowing how it got there at all she proceeded to finger through the thing and read a little at best but was not interested in what the author had to say abating it off as propaganda .
Punch line is we walk off to the next door and im really starting to question my recolection of the positioning of the book, maybe i did put it in my wifes work office etc, when she says in a Vincent Price type of way ' your book has been recycled hun'
shivers im telling you. to this day it had not been discussed again
i wonder if she did read through it?
no offense was intended and its great u dont offend easily.
u may want to consider photoshoping your pic.
you know i felt compeled to write something because i just could not believe such an immature question could be taken seriously by a few folk and attepts to respond were not tounge in cheek.. anyhum, my bad, great question, stumped me.
to set the record straight i apologise for the insult about your pic, i only said that because u said u do not get insulted and it was a gimme, seriously my bad, i have read your posts in teh past and do appreciate your comments.
Actually part of the reason i posted in response to your question was because you always write intelegent stuff and i viewed your question as being very much out of character. Really sorry again.
pioneer spit, why do u request moderation? so what if i 4 years ago was posting under a different name? do i not have the right to free opinion and speech as you have ( and others ) in calling me names?
the fact remains that i believe the question and susequent responses are incredibly naive for reasons so obvious to me that under my discretion i dont feel compelled to elaborate.
Whats slightly amusing to me at least is that as a ex-jw community it seems like most of u have all fallen into the same communal minded mental quagmire u may have had as dubs.
Beware you may become allergic to yourselves.
no offense was intended and its great u dont offend easily.
u may want to consider photoshoping your pic.
you know i felt compeled to write something because i just could not believe such an immature question could be taken seriously by a few folk and attepts to respond were not tounge in cheek.. anyhum, my bad, great question, stumped me.
no offense was intended and its great u dont offend easily
u may want to consider photoshoping your pic
you know i felt compeled to write something because i just could not believe such an immature question could be taken seriously by a few folk and attepts to respond were not tounge in cheek.
anyhum, my bad, great question, stumped me
let me join in though before this gets old....he is sitting on hs throne looking important and playing ratchet and clank 6, OR he is having a really really long and proper round robin handball contest with some dodgy cherubs, they are so easy to beat cause their shit at handball
do u get it lady, why your question is so stupid?