Dear Blackboo,
I wonder if you're out of the Watchtower just recently?
but i do believe in God..but you guys obviously do the same thing..but dont believe in worst
I ask this because, with all respect, this is the very same judgemental attitude most jw's have (and they're not unique in this respect)
Look my friend, I'm an atheist, but I didn't come to that conclusion because I'm ignorant or a fool. I studied the Bible as a devout JW, and then again in the source languages (which, as you certainly know, are Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek). If you have a specific point about the bible or evolution that proves your case, I would love to discuss that with you rationally, but calling people fools just because they don't believe in your God is very judgemental and much too easy... don't you see there is just no way to defend yourself against such a thing?
Reality is complex. Nuance is the magic word.
btw, welcome to the forum!
Kind regards,
Deus Mauzzim