Thanks for posting this!
Hmm.. first impression... imposing?
Deus Mauzzim
Thanks for posting this!
Hmm.. first impression... imposing?
Deus Mauzzim
i'm kind of learning the ropes here i just wanted to see if they are any young people and what i mean is from teen to 20ish.
no offense to anyone who is over that age but u are still welcome to post here
I'm here.. at the nice age of 19 :D
- Deus Mauzzim
just a thought, which no doubt has been already expressed on here, if not in the same form.
we know how much emphasis the wts puts on teaching that the gospels are authentic historical reports.
however, we can see at least one domain where this historicity must be considered cautiously.
inasmuch as we can trust the gospel record (and if we don't, what other sources shall we discuss ?).
Aligot - I think we are reasoning from two different sets of axioms here (well at least it's not from the Scriptures) :). You are talking about trust that something happened so-and-so while there is no way to verify this totally and objectively. This is the essence of classical belief (fides - 'est autem fides sperandarum substantia rerum, argumentum non apparentium').
I'm not saying this is wrong at all, just that it doesn't work for me. I can not put my trust in a selected set of 'holy' scriptures to convey a transparent truth while at the same time accepting that any other book I know has massive problems doing just that. Your arguments about crowds following Jesus and the pharisees being afraid of him come from the gospels themselves, written by followers of Christ. They surely had an interest in picturing the events like this. What about the historians of that time?
Narkissos - Modesty and such fully agreed.. But just wondering... how would you reconcile Derrida's interpretive feast with Christ's exclusive (dogmatic?) claim? (John 14:6). I think this claim is fairly consistent with all the Christs I know of (forgive me the paradox :)
Deus Mauzzim
just a thought, which no doubt has been already expressed on here, if not in the same form.
we know how much emphasis the wts puts on teaching that the gospels are authentic historical reports.
however, we can see at least one domain where this historicity must be considered cautiously.
Otoh, once you come to realise how little you can gather through the Gospel texts about the supposed "history behind the texts," the focus shifts back to the texts themselves, as the only solid "object" of study and research.
Agreed. The 19th-century quest for the 'historical Jesus' has not been quite effective, and then again history is also narrative fiction. All we have are the texts (canonical and apocryphal). I think we would be disappointed if we could take a look at the 'historical' Jesus (probably another apocalyptic sect leader).
History is responsible for the transsubstantiation of Jesus of Nazareth into Jesus Christ.
But like aligot, I have also struggled with this question. If being a Christian means following Christ as a role-model (rather than adhering to a set of dogmas), yet the concept of Christ depends on interpretation, then what am I to follow? I am moved by the 'gnostic' Jesus (who does not exist as such!), but also by the canonical Jesus (idem!). Can one follow the Jesus of the Gospel of Judas and the Jesus of the Gospel of John?
Like Narkissos, I do not have a problem with the western truth-fiction dichotomy per se (Plato's problem, not mine!), but what should we put in place when we dismantle this dualism? A buffet belief system? And then again, what should we make of Christ's claim to exclusivity?
If I say that (only) Jesus is Lord, what do I affirm? Why does He only appear to me as a hooded stranger? Is that the mystery?
Deus Mauzzim
...... so i can hand it in for my logic class next week and have a chance of getting it into the course program next year .
please help this young apostate spread his evil lies at the synagogue of satan called university .
deus mauzzim.
...... so I can hand it in for my Logic class next week and have a chance of getting it into the course program next year . Preferably from the magazines, but books are ok as well. A quote will do, I can handle the logical deconstruction myself.
Please help this young apostate spread his evil lies at the synagogue of Satan called university
Deus Mauzzim
(PS I won't be able to post as much as I would like due to my classes beginning again, but know that I will be thinking of you and checking your posts whenever I can )
i had another one last night.
they all center around me seeing jehovah's witnesses from the past who i cared about .
and still care about.
I can relate to this, I also have these JW-nightmares once in a while. I'm always having a fight with my mom and she makes some JW-type-comment and I go totally, totally beserk. Then I suddenly wake up wondering about all the anger that is apparently still inside of me.
Wish you the best!
- Deus Mauzzim
i'm doing this well in advance so that all the wonderful people on jwd can look back later and see just how close they were to the actual number!
(it is possible the wts might stop publishing the partaker numbers) in a few days, i will duly record the link to this thread for future reference.. remember that there were 8524 partakers in 2005 and 8758 partakers in 2006, an increase of 234 partakers.
so how many remnant will partake in 2007??.
- Deus Mauzzim
A desk:
Black bottle
Head of the white king
- Deus Mauzzim
A desk:
Black bottle
Head of the white king
- Deus Mauzzim
i have been battling an incurable illness and will be able to post less and less.
i will post my email, and any help you cna asend my way will be appreciated.
there is treatment but no cure and no cancer yet.