I propose we ALL go to the meeting where this article is "discussed" to show our repentance
Deus Mauzzim
ok guys and gals, i (being the assistant to the magazine counter) have acquired the newest okm.. i have uploaded it to imagevenue.com: here.
hopefully that works!.
by the way drew, your translation was very close.
I propose we ALL go to the meeting where this article is "discussed" to show our repentance
Deus Mauzzim
ok guys and gals, i (being the assistant to the magazine counter) have acquired the newest okm.. i have uploaded it to imagevenue.com: here.
hopefully that works!.
by the way drew, your translation was very close.
Luk 21:28 "But as these things start to occur, raise yourselves erect and lift YOUR heads up, because YOUR deliverance is getting near.”
It is happening.
- Deus Mauzzim
since i am new here..
i was wondering, is everyone here a df, dis-associated, fallen away?
or are there also "real" witnesses here?
I was given the boot because I was caught preparing a black mass at Memorial night with the PO's 3-year old son as sacrificial victim
Kidding , I just left because I found out it wasn't the Truth(tm) after all.
- Deus Mauzzim
i'm brand spanking new to this forum.... my story is a long one that i will save for rainy day....however i will say i have been out for a long time 10+ years and when i left i really left.
i walked away at 20 (in my heart i was mentally gone at 17) and never really looked back much.
i was raised jw my father was an elder my mother an off and on pioneer (my father is no longer except he goes to the memorials, poor bastard and again thats another long story) i was not shunned by my parents both of whom were still very much in although my father left shortly after me and i would like to think that my bravery and courage allowed him to do the same.
Welcome to our cool apostate club :D
- Deus Mauzzim
here is the best that i could do, but i think it gets the main points of the articles across.
i wouldn't bet my life on this translation, but i think it is good enough for our purposes.
question box.
Hahahahaha o m g
They are right though... Witnesses that learn the original languages are NOT good for the watchtower :) How could the elders discuss anything with them? :P
Deus Mauzzim
one of the major premises of most religions is to accept that some must be destroyed in order for others to obtain everlasting life.
of course, there are many platitudes that a person relies on to soothe the conscience and sanitize the mind.. the ones to be destroyed deserve it.
they refuse to do something, worship god, beg for forgiveness, live a clean life, whatever.they are selfish and nobody can change them but themselves.. but underneath the smug acceptance of salvation, while the others suffer destruction is probably the most selfish concept of all.
Dear quitelyleaving,
Interesting thought. I think there is no question that the archetypical manifestation of God is (in part?) a coping mechanism. At least it has to be a mechanism for something, otherwise it wouldn't survive. The mind has undergrone evolution, just like the body (another one of Jung's insights). If this is so, there are all sorts of vestigial structures in the mind just as there are in the body (which makes it so difficult to get a clear picture of it).
Perhaps one of these vestigial structures was the concept of self/god (and soul as imago dei, immortal image of self/god) as coping mechanism for death (of self, and loved ones), constructed in a primitive line of reasoning like 'if they must die, then by my own hands!' Having a (projected) God above you at least gives certainty.
These conceptual frameworks are by their nature very risky, I'm just probing here.
Deus Mauzzim
from a logical point....i notice that in these threads that there are few here who dont believe in god..but i hate to tell you your dead wrong for having such an ignorant belief like that..instead ya,ll are blaming religion, people, and your personal problems for your lack of faith in god..thats dead wrong.
the non-believers are not looking at the whole picture..just the present..the things that go on in the world happen for a reason and it doesnt mean god doesnt exist.
the bible says "the fool has said in his heart god doesnt exist".
I've found that those who claim to have "logical" proof of God actually use the most illogical line of thinking.
Well spoken, B_Deserter, well spoken...
Deus Mauzzim
from a logical point....i notice that in these threads that there are few here who dont believe in god..but i hate to tell you your dead wrong for having such an ignorant belief like that..instead ya,ll are blaming religion, people, and your personal problems for your lack of faith in god..thats dead wrong.
the non-believers are not looking at the whole picture..just the present..the things that go on in the world happen for a reason and it doesnt mean god doesnt exist.
the bible says "the fool has said in his heart god doesnt exist".
To all true believers and self-styled prophets, receivers of revelations etc.
I invited you for a true discussion (ie based on logical, valid and sound arguments) about the bible and its sources (see my post on the first page), and none of you prophets responded to that.
All you do is assert, assert, assert, without giving any rational evidence, or making it clear why we should accept your premises in the first place.
You have the most wild interpretations of scripture (can't you see there is 2000+ years of people doing that before you?), but you don't want to discuss why scripture is "special / godly / inspired", the premise of your argument.
- Did you ever do research into the textual sources for the genesis account, the flood narrative, the tower of babel? When was the Gilgamesh-epos written? In what language?
- Do you truly believe Daniel was written by Daniel? Do you know anything about the linguistic development of Aramaic?
- Does "documentary hypothesis" sound like an exotic meal for you or do you know what I'm talking about?
- For all: just curious, but these questions do come up in your mind, I hope, or am I very naive here? I mean, I don't hope the reasoning is like.. well the book saysit's been written by Daniel, so of course it must have been written by Daniel! This is simply not valid reasoning (ie based on logic, not on anyone's authority)
Deus Mauzzim
(mildly irritated by the lack of rationality in the 21st century )
one of the major premises of most religions is to accept that some must be destroyed in order for others to obtain everlasting life.
of course, there are many platitudes that a person relies on to soothe the conscience and sanitize the mind.. the ones to be destroyed deserve it.
they refuse to do something, worship god, beg for forgiveness, live a clean life, whatever.they are selfish and nobody can change them but themselves.. but underneath the smug acceptance of salvation, while the others suffer destruction is probably the most selfish concept of all.
Ahhh.. much better thread than the last I was on :) no prophets here, just rational discussion
I'm researching Jungian archetypes at the moment, and yesterday I read that, according to Jung, the concept of God reflects the concept of Self in the psyche. God is projected Self.
So, with x billion believers in the Judeo-Christian God, that is not a nice picture for humanity: jealous, selfish, arrogant, destructive.
Truly man created God in his own image.
Deus Mauzzim
"... since you were raised in the truth.
we respect your decision to break your promise and walk away, but don't slander us by talking about [child abuse / ngo / malawi / insert here].
how would you respond to this?.
Thanks all, I needed that! Very much. Period.
Deus Mauzzim