Posts by Erich
by Markfromcali injust curious, has anyone out there invented anything?
even if it's a small thing, tell us about it.
5 Jehovah's Witnesses Die in Plane Crash
by Kenneson ina report from zambia, africa relates that 6 persons died, including 5 believed to be jehovah's witnesses in a chartered plane crash near livingstone.
they had just toured victoria falls and were returning to lusaka, when the plane developed problems and crashed.
a zambian newspaper says it was an oil leak.
I am wished death on a daily basis by supposedly active, baptized, loyal, dedicated jws everytime I encounter them in yahoo chatrooms. I am told that "I can't wait until the day jehovah wipes you out" . I am told that "I can't wait until the day jehovah wipes you out"
Sorry to say: Your kind of thinking is weird. I do NOT agree with some WTS-policy, but I know many many JW`s never wishing you to be dead only for the reason because you were an ex- or non-JW or because of critizising the WTBS. Every JW, thinking in the same way as you had quoted, would be weird in same manner and deserves to be df`d rather than you.
What Is The Real Truth Behind Disfellowshipping?
by Golf inthe many posts about disfellowshipping prompted to throw in my 2 cents.
what is the real truth behind disfellowshipping?
my present thinking is this, over the years, jw's have been indoctrinated to avoid 'independent' thinking.
Disfellowshipping yes/no ?
A very difficult question. Certainly every type of social relationship (groups, clans, organizations, firms, states or countries...) in the world KNOWS the disassociation or disfellowshipping in any manner. A governed state e.g. throws the malefactors or lawbreakers into jail after court-decision. Its a kind of "disassociation" too.
Jesus Christ said: "If he (the sinner) does not listen even to the congregation, let him be to you just as a man of the nations and as a tax collector". What he meant, was a type of non-formal disfellowshipping.
The main problem is IMO as follows: There is an need for ABSOLUTE transparency in all things. If parts of members get the feeling of concealment, suspicion or conspiration in a congregation, then will occur distrust. If all such problems were discussed open for public, and transparently, as it is usual in a brotherhood (look at your own family!) no troubles would emerge.
The END is NIGH??
by Samdownunder ini watched a fascinating documentary tonight called "the corporation".
it exposed the development of big business in modern day and their greed and corruption of the world.
many of the scholars and experts conceded that by the year 2025, we truly would not have any water left to drink and they discussed the ruination of the rainforests and other important resources as well.
Hello all.
I think there are two different things.
On the one side there is a global disaster: religious, social, financial, political, environmental. Leading to a situation the bible calles "armageddon" - we do not know the manner HOW it would be fulfilled. Sure: the world thereafter have to be different. There ist no way back to the "old state" of the world, because there are too many inconsistencies. If the surviving people would go the establish a "new world" on the SAME fundamentals as before, the system would collapse in the same way as before; faster, earlier. Then you have got the same mess. No, that is no way out. We INDEED need a totally new global system, based on new paradigmas.
On the other hand, there is the question of the role the WTBS will play in the new system. Look at the words in the bible:
"Many will say to me in that day: "Lord, Lord, did we nor prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?" And yet then I will confess to them: "I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness".E.
The END is NIGH??
by Samdownunder ini watched a fascinating documentary tonight called "the corporation".
it exposed the development of big business in modern day and their greed and corruption of the world.
many of the scholars and experts conceded that by the year 2025, we truly would not have any water left to drink and they discussed the ruination of the rainforests and other important resources as well.
In addition to my post above:
The WTBS is not in the position to publish ALL dangerous problems. If they do, they would get sued to pay hundred millions of dollars indemnity payments. Greedy lawyers are waiting on opportunities and contingency to sue before the courts.
Futher: Dont watch the state of the world through US-american spectacles. 90% of the world is living in chaotic disastrous circumstances.
There are corrumptive and inhuman situations all around of an amount and a level nobody of you all can imagine.
E. -
The END is NIGH??
by Samdownunder ini watched a fascinating documentary tonight called "the corporation".
it exposed the development of big business in modern day and their greed and corruption of the world.
many of the scholars and experts conceded that by the year 2025, we truly would not have any water left to drink and they discussed the ruination of the rainforests and other important resources as well.
If all the water gets poisoned, we'll filter it out. If the air gets polluted, we'll filter it out. The increase in technology is helping us cope with the mess we create from previous technology
Okay: maybe regarding pollution of water. Or air. But that are small parts of the entire problems. Some expert studies show us absolutely non-solvable problems today (cannot be "filtered out" !!):
1) The chaotic finance, economy and currency system. All currencies bases on debts. All states and countries all around the world have high debts. The debts are so high that they cannot be paid by future generations. There is a shear opening more and more.
2) The chaotic political and ideological ideas the world is built therupon. Terrorists, religious fundamentalists and so on..
3) Greedy corporations (global players) are exploiting material resources as well as mental and creative resources in a manner has no example in the whole history of mankind. Note: The turbo-exploitation of PATENTABLE new ideas is as same dangerous as wasting material resources (oil, metals etc.). Future generations have too few possibilities on owning intellectual property. Their life will be boring, poor, disastrous, if only 1% of the mankind owns all resources available. As a result, they will be "slaves" of rich agents, advocates, bosses, managers, and anonymous corporations; instead of living a free and successful life. And that situation will get worse and worse year by year with no chance for an end...
Overpopulation in the "Paradise" Earth!
by Leolaia injw doctrine teaches that the 1,000 years of christ corresponds to "judgment day," and everyone who has not already been judged will be resurrected from the dead.
the exceptions would be those who died during the flood, the destruction of sodom and gomorrah, and a few odd individuals.
but that's only the people living today.
I believe to the existence of "parallel universes" which solve the problem. Read the books of Hugh Everett III
or David Deutsch.
What's that 70's hit that sounds like elvis but it's not?
by avishai init's driving me nuts.
the guy sounds like elvis, but it's not, the song was a hit, i believe in the early 70's.
It's driving me nuts. The guy sounds like elvis, but it's not, the song was a hit, I believe in the early 70's.
I believe it was SHAKIN STEVENS you meant.
C.T. Russell Claimed Modern Inventions Were Harbingers of the Millennium
by Kenneson inthe april 15, 1915 zion's watch tower, page 126 has an interesting brief article entitled "the typewriter and progress" that is certainly worth perusing.. "amongst the great inventions of our day is the typewriter.
it came upon the market just forty years ago, in 1874, as a merchantable and usable convenience, after having been seven years in process of development.
the bible, we believe, marks the same year, 1874, as the beginning of the harvest of this age.
Interestingly, the recent developments in technology and science, though extremely important for the future of mankind, do not impress the WTS very much;-( I wonder why.
Um, they don't like the internet (for some reason).
Thats right.
But they are urgently recommended to take a look at the millions of new patents laying dormant in the patent archives. If once those many patent rights expire, new developments will swamp over many new-economy-branches, and will change all life on earth in way nobody does imagine in the very moment. For instance, look at stem cells research. Or research on cloning technology. The entire genetic technology branch is nearly paralysed by an inflation of patent rights. There are TOO MUCH PATENTS. The entire field of "epigenetics", the key to obtain ever-lasting youth, is totally PUZZLED with patents.
Similar concern patent problems impact other branches, e.g. software technologies. The WTS has go no mere idea what is going on in that matter. If some JW, as an insider in this matter, would go to write a letter to the WTS, they only would shake their heads. Thats the fact..E.
C.T. Russell Claimed Modern Inventions Were Harbingers of the Millennium
by Kenneson inthe april 15, 1915 zion's watch tower, page 126 has an interesting brief article entitled "the typewriter and progress" that is certainly worth perusing.. "amongst the great inventions of our day is the typewriter.
it came upon the market just forty years ago, in 1874, as a merchantable and usable convenience, after having been seven years in process of development.
the bible, we believe, marks the same year, 1874, as the beginning of the harvest of this age.
Interestingly, the recent developments in technology and science, though extremely important for the future of mankind, does not impress the WTS very much;-(
I wonder why.