bereanbiblestudent posted several Rutherford mp3s including the Rutherford
record "Fascism or Freedom" made in Australia, Oct.2, 1938. The first thing
Rutherford says on it is that Jesus was resurrected exactly 1935 years ago,
which in 1938 would have been 3 AD. That's usually put around 30 AD. What's up
with that?
JoinedPosts by glenster
Rutherford's time for Jesus' resurrection--3 AD?
by glenster inbereanbiblestudent posted several rutherford mp3s including the rutherford.
record "fascism or freedom" made in australia, oct.2, 1938. the first thing.
rutherford says on it is that jesus was resurrected exactly 1935 years ago,.
Micheal the Archangel
by nurse09 ini am new to this board.
i have looked on for some time now and decided to join.
reading the different posts have really helped me.. i would like to know if someone could explain why it is the the jw believe that jesus is micheal the archangel.
What I have on that is on pp.4 and 7-10 of "GTJ Brooklyn" at the next link.
The verses the JWs leaders claim make the direct connection are near the bottom
of p.8 below the picture of Don Adams. -
Pimping the Divine Name
by Farkel inobviously, a unique aspect of the wt religion is the name it has chosen, "jehovah's witnesses.
jehovah this.
jehovah that.
Just Copy and Paste the URL.
What have the Romans ever done for us?: -
Apply PHILOSOPHY to the argument of the TRINITY
by Terry inthe trinity doctrine is a conceptual classification.
it is not a thing itself.
we don't bump into a trinity in everyday life.
mp3 of rutherford records
by bereanbiblestudent inhere are some of the records i have.
i have not seen these online as mp3 before .
trinity p-14.
At last! Somebody more screwed up than any Jehovah's Witness: David Icke
by Terry indavid ickefrom wikipedia, the free encyclopedia(redirected from david icke) .
interested in contributing to wikipedia?
jump to: navigation, searchdavid vaughan icke, pronounced /a?k/ to rhyme with "like," (born april 29, 1952) is a british writer and public speaker who has devoted himself since 1990 to researching "who and what is really controlling the world.
Virtually all JWs have been taking blood fractions and don't know it!
by M.J. ina notable member of this forum tipped me off to this fact, and i recently checked up on it.. check out the cdc's ingredient list for vaccines:.
any vaccine you see with the ingredients "bovine albumin", "bovine serum", "human serum albumin", are made from blood!.
Even by current methods that are very effective at bleeding an animal (cutting
deeply across the animal's throat, its body held so its head hangs downward),
50-58% of the blood is left in it.
"Aspects of Meat Inspection," 1973, Horace Thornton, E.V.S.C., D.V.H.,
F.R.S.H., chap.2;
"Meat Science," 1974, Ralston A. Lawrie, Ph.d., D.Sc., F.R.S.E., F.F.S.T., pp.
132-133 -
early christians 144000
by joelbear69 inthe bible says the 144000 would be the first fruits.
witnesses have interpetted that over .
and over as meaning that the first 144000 to accept christ would be his bride.
early christians 144000
by joelbear69 inthe bible says the 144000 would be the first fruits.
witnesses have interpetted that over .
and over as meaning that the first 144000 to accept christ would be his bride.
They lose me as soon as they claim to be the exclusive spokesmen of a literal
144,000 and claim their dozen or so rules meant to show it are proven by the
best evidence and reasoning. It all goes crooked from there.The JWs leaders will probably stick to their original version--that Jesus and
the apostles were such lousy teachers that only a tiny number believed them
and were likewise lousy teachers because they disappeared without a trace.
They only reappeared in recent years to sell lousy literature. -
God mauls little children with bears. (2 Kings 2:23,24)
by easyreader1970 in23. and he proceeded to go up from there to beth el.
as he was going up on the way, there were small boys that came out from the city and began to jeer him and that kept saying to him: "go up, you baldhead!
go up, you baldhead!
I think the passage about the bears is generally considered to be among the
miracles of Elisha of 2 Kings, like the woman's oil that fills all the contain-
ers and the axe head that floats to the surface.Regarding cruelty and God, it fits into the idea of God's prerogative, people
are lesser beings and all die, not just those 42 kids but otherwise of any ages
and including cruel ways, God not being all-beneficent in the sense of not hav-
ing everyone live forever in heavenly circumstances, etc., which is cruel from
the human point of view.It goes back to the Devil/Job debate. To have a credible God concept, it has
to be reconciled with the real world with all its cruelties and in which every-
one dies, some in cruel ways, the same cruelties whether you believe in God or
not.The Devil emphasizes the negative things and makes a case to not believe in
God (the same argument without God would be why be glad for this life--life
sucks). His stance would be that if God didn't have the 42 kids didn't die that
day, He would have had them all die later and not need to die then, either. But
Job sees all the same negative things yet is glad for getting the chance to live
and what good he found in his life, in his case thanking God for it as what he
believes is the ultimate provider.