Welcome. The family that apostates together, stays together.
JoinedPosts by jamiebowers
Help! My parents are addicted to this site!
by SuperApostateGirl inhey all,.
just thought i'd check out all the hoopla with this site.since i can't phone home without my parents being on here and talking to me at the same time.. anyone elses parents huge apostates?
i keep telling my mom my dad she write a book on jw's,all he needs are some good typing skills and he'd be off.. i am wondering if anyone knows about any support groups for addicted computer users?
What was wrong with the 'occultic green' bibles?
by Gill inwhat was wrong with the 'green bible'?.
i understand (rightly or wrongly) that the 'green' had occult connotations that some did not approve of.. is this true and were the early jws too involved with hidden, esoteric, occult meaning that 'others' found uncomfortable and so they had to go to the sobre black bibles?.
This whole thread makes me laugh. My first husband's non-jw father was very superstitious, and he would raise holy hell if he found a green Bible in the house. He said green Bibles were from the devil.
There can be NOONE who has used their brain LESS... factually.
by New light for you inso.... i'm thinking.
i'm thinking cuz i was at my shrink's today... and i'm cleaning... those 2 things get my brain working and i was thinking..... i am (was) a jw (ex) who is a housewife, "at home mom".
could there possibly be anyone else in the whole friggin world who has ever used their brain less???
If you're an exjw, you had to use your brain at some point. Go to school. It will change your life. If you can keep an organized home with a husband and children, you can do just about anything else.
Hi everyone! im also a newbie here.
by dhand inhi everyone, thought it was time to say hi after nearly a year lurking on this site!!
abit about me... i was born into the jw's and have been baptised for about 15yrs and was appointed as an ms about a year ago.
i have been a die hard jw for the last few years, but because of the arrogant and unloving attitude of certain 'spirit appointed' men within the cong and circuit i began to wounder if what i had really was 'the truth' and caused me to do some digging on some of the fundamental teachings.
Welcome! You are one of many newbies. We are glad to have you among the ranks of the enlightened.
If You could go out in Style,How would you leave the JW Organization Again?
by SuperApostateGirl inwell i'll start;.
1. i would stand up,light a joint and announce that i am "bad association".
2. feeling now liberated i would rat on every elders child (cause who wouldn't).
I would have sent everyone a personal letter telling them why I was really given the boot.
Me too.
Newbie here
by CAL69 ini'm new to this site and just thought i'd share a little bit about myself.. i was born and raised in los angeles, grew up as a jw and left the org when i was 22. i wasn't df'd or da'd, i just faded (very quickly).
i left the org 10 years ago and never looked back....or so i thought.
it wasn't until recently that i realized how much of a hold they still had on me.
Welcome. Keep learning, and you'll feel better every day.
IMHO, this is due mostly to the Internet and some from the news coverage of the UN and pedophile scandals.
A JWD poll - Using the Forum
by Lady Lee ini'm interested in why you came and why you stay.
searching the net for info about jwscame from another websitefriend told me about otheron an emotional level where were you when you first came here?.
frustrated or fed up with jws and wts needed some info and support from other people who may feel the same waywas dfed or daed and felt lost and alonewas involved with a jw and needed info about this religion that was interfering with the relationshipotherhow long did you read before you started posting?.
1, 4 (close relative), 4, 2 (Mary's WT study), 1, and 3 & 5
Why On Earth Did YOU Ever Become a JW???
by minimus inmy excuse: born in it and stayed in way too long.. your reason??
I just left the drug scene and was trying to "clean" up my life. Seemed like a honest, clean start and they were a welcoming group that had all the answers. I was vulnerable.
Me too, and I wanted to be accepted by my mom and brother. Plus a jw guy promised to "take me away" and marry me. He did, and it was pure hell.
You will never overcome your Witness past...
by JimmyPage in... unless you read apostate views.. you may become inactive, like i did, and find a way to assimilate yourself into the normal world.. but you will always have at your core a view of the world that the witnesses gave you.
their basic teachings will still be your world view.. you will never realize you were indoctrinated by a cult.. for those poisoned by jehovah's witnesses there is only one antidote.. there is only one way to understand your life and progress from there.. the only true cure for jehovah's witnesses is apostasy..
I agree, and so does the WTB&TS. That's why they forbid associating with apostates or reading their materials.