I switched channels to real life.
Back in 1991, I was judicially reproved for lying. Restrictions for a single month just so it could be called "judicial." The "restriction" was no public prayer at the KH.... in the congo I was in, that was no big deal, as we had such a large body of brothers, it could be a couple of months.....I was removed as an MS and regular pioneer. My 3 month temp bethel ap came through immediately afterwards.... and I was forced to turn it down (in retrospect, thank goodness...LOL) Really, it was to keep a couple of lying married pioneer sisters quiet after they had their MS husbands run to the CO about me. CO told the elders "you have a problem among your pioneers, take care of it or I will take care of YOU [elders]." I was the easiest "solution."
A few months later, the CO did come and apologize to me the record...they had indeed screwed up...I wasn't a liar after all....but they did not rescind the decision...and since it was "private" (aka "unannounced" reproof, except for my deletion), they figured no harm no foul....
I was not allowed to be a pioneer for a year and a MS for several and I had to switch congos to get it. I found out years later that I had been up for appointment as an elder in the original congo, the kangaroo court derailed that for ten years before I could fight my way back. What a waste of a decade.
I never received an apology from the elders. Where is the middle finger icon? I need it for Watchtower, et al. LOL
Snakes (Rich )