When I was secretary, I printed out a list for the book study conductors.... I refused to deal with 100 time slips. I told them deal with calling the publishers in their groups.... collect the slips...consolidate the data on to my single page worksheet...and turn in the sheet and the slips in the provided manila envelope to me... in fact, just put the envelope in the time box at the hall... I will collect it there..... I dealt with 6 envelopes..with 6 sheets.... and only dealt with 6 overseers to call ...... not 100 people bothering me with time.... which often I knew was BS anyway.
took me about 10-20 minutes to record on all the cards... flew through them...then another 5 minutes to deal with the consolidated report to the society...then I was done... usually watched a recorded episode of Survivor while doing that... (that show reminds me of congregation politics).
I am so glad I dont deal with that now.
And by the way...if a person (elder or otherwise) calls, and you answer, and you don't want to talk to them...either be polite and say not now.... or just say... dont call back...why should we hide from our own phones?
I hate it when I see an incoming call with no ID on it... I never know if it is a customer or not calling my cell phone...I give it out instead of my home number ...so I kind of have to answer some times. I say block the elder numbers...or assign the theme to Jaws as the ringtone. BTW...my cell number ends in 666..I picked it on purpose...a never used phone number...guess no one wants a number with the devil number in it......lol
Snakes (Rich )