funny that about television... some of the best times we had as a family was when our old television finally died. It was 2 years before we could afford a new one. We ate dinner at the dinner table not in front of the boob tube. We talked, we played games and read. Dad got the new one and it was never the same.
Now I have a television but I make the tube work for me. I have AT&T U-verse with a DVD. We record what we want and watch when we want. If it is dumb we delete it before finishing the program. My fiancee just bought me a Sony Blu-ray player with WiFi. Now we hook into the wireless U-verse internet and download movies via Netflix ($10/mo.) and listen to music via Pandora (free). Today I watched an old National Geographic special on Air Force One. Infinitely more interesting than most of the inane comedies and sitcoms and dumb game shows. I have a bunch of documentaries in my instant queue to watch when I am folding laundry in my quiet time. Toni has a movie or two lined up. Redbox, Blockbuster Express and the public library round out our cheap entertainment for DVDs and Blu-ray movies. We find promo codes for redbox cheap or free all the time.
Snakes (Rich )