book mark for later
Snakes (Rich )
every once in a while there's a story so well told that it deserves lots and lots of kudos and plugs.
here's that 124-book length story which is the first one linked from "exclusive autobiographies" on the home page of
read it free!.
book mark for later
Snakes (Rich )
i have a sub to netflix, but i think it is a rip off.
they raised their prices and i am in the market to find some kind of website with a reasonable fee charged to view movies or tv shows only.
i don't need the dvd rental anymore.
I have Netflix again. My fiancee bought me a WIFI enabled Sony Blu Ray player. I have Pandora (radio) and Netflix on it. I have watched several documentaries on the tv via Netflix. I like it. I will probably drop the DVD portion of the subscription once I return the current DVD. Have to talk to my better half. We have AT&T Uverse with a DVR and we love it.
I have not used roku or hulu. Have to check it out.
Snakes (Rich )
i am a former active poster here, former elder, former bethelite and pretty much known by people on the xjw boards since the mid 90's.
gawd that makes me sound old.. i notice that a great deal of uproar is being made by allegations of a hide in the closet alleged bethelite.
to counter the damage caused by this claim, i am happy to address any questions people may have about bethel, protocol, etc.. i was at the canada branch for 11 years, worked in multiple areas including the legal department, service desk and writing dept.
waves at Uzzah and CBD. good to see familiar veterans posting -- even if occasionally.
I didn't quit the forum -- the best I can do is cut back posting to a dull roar --
My fiancee wants my attention in real life. lol
Snakes (Rich )
anyone know how you to get a nice assingment with the rbc?.
Anyone know how you to get a nice assingment with the RBC?
Why is it that, when I read this, I don't know when our collective leg is being pulled or not.
Snakes (of the "spent wasted more time at QB's than I ever want to admit" Sheep Class)
as i said in my earlier post, my nephew took his own life yesterday evening.
my sister is a die-hard jw and this religion is her comfort more than ever right now, so she accepts everything they throw at her.
the elders will meet this evening and decide whether they will allow a memorial service at the kh.
donuthole ..
glad you and Rebekah were able to be there. I was always sure there was a side of Ryan that we never got to see. Sad that, as a JW, you have to put on this weird JW cloak (they like to call it the "New Personality™" but it should be called the "Cult Personality."
Funny that Former SuperPioneerElder TG is no longer an elder. He should have been booted a long time ago. I attempted to have him removed, but I was in the minority (as in, the only elder calling for it "scripturally" and organizationally) so I was forced to acquiesce to the will (whim) of the BOE and the CO. Ironic that all of those elders are either DF, removed, dead, or just gone.
Creepy the Kingdumb Maladies are played. Even creepier those Paradise™ conversations around you. Glad I don't have to go to those meetings anymore. If Toni and I hadn't had to work, we would have been there.
Snakes (Rich )
as i said in my earlier post, my nephew took his own life yesterday evening.
my sister is a die-hard jw and this religion is her comfort more than ever right now, so she accepts everything they throw at her.
the elders will meet this evening and decide whether they will allow a memorial service at the kh.
bump. Sadly, I was unable to attend the funeral this morning. I was working about 10 miles away in a nearby town.
Wonder how it went and who showed and how DF folks were treated by the dubs.
Snakes (Rich )
don't wait.
update your advance medical directives before you find yourself in my situation.... .
my left arm was feeling 'odd' last friday morning as i was getting dressed for work.
Interesting bump. AS... Since you originally posted this, I left the JWs. Ironically, I was a member of a Patient Visitation Group (a sub group of the HLC) -- elders whose sole purpose was to visit JWs in assigned hospital(s). (Likely it was PVG NOT HLC that visited you back then). HLC for the region was only brought in for emergencies and preliminary issues to avoid problems) for 2 hospitals in my town. I never got a call from the hospital and I believe the other members of our group rarely did either. We usually found out from JW relatives. HIPAA is taken seriously around these parts. Unless a patient specifically requests a JW elder, the hospital pastor is the only one coming around for a spiritual visit.
I no longer carry that ridiculous piece of JW paper (No Blood Card) in my wallet but have not replaced it. I will need to do that pronto. I know my non-JW fiancee will respect my change in thought, but she has no standing ahead of my JW mom if decisions are to be made until we get married. ... unless I get this in writing.
Since my fiancee is a paralegal student, maybe I can have her draw up the paperwork or go online and download a new form.
Thanks for the bump on this topic. Hope you are doing well now. Still have the cycle?
Snakes (Rich )
he was 23 years old.
he was depressed and took his own life.
no one had any idea he was contemplating something like this.
Snakes and donuthole, is that for real? That's just sick if it is!
absolutely. DH nailed the explanation. And it is sick.
DH and I were eyewitnesses of this informal/unspoken code in that particular congo. We were both in the same congo as mimi's nephew before DH was DF and I was deleted as an elder and left. I don't think I am revealing anything that DH and I have not already revealed online here and elsewhere.
At first, I was afraid that by bringing up the "A B C" thing, that I was derailing the thread. In reality, it likely, at least in part, goes to the heart of why mimi's nephew was depressed. He never really fit into the congo. He was quiet and often walked around the KH with his head held down. He did not look people in the eye often, at least in my interactions with him. However, I worked in FS with him and his brother and mother and grandmother regularly. I enjoyed his company and found him to be highly intelligent and a decent kid -- young man I should say. It was very difficult to get him to open up and talk. In my opinion, I think he got baptized to try to win the approval of his mother and the elders (including myself) and those around him. That is myopinion based on my observations. Maybe I am wrong. It has been 4 years since I seen him.
Such a sad ending to a life that -- with proper nurturing and not JW "Encouragement™" -- who knows what great things this young man could have accomplished.
Snakes (Rich )
he was 23 years old.
he was depressed and took his own life.
no one had any idea he was contemplating something like this.
I was shocked when you called me last night and told me what happened to your nephew. I am truly very sorry to hear this happened.
Of course, I was an elder in his KH when he was younger. Sad to say, I "encouraged™" him toward baptism because of a conversation I had with him one summer at the DC. Shortly afterward, his mom (your sister) and grandma (your mom) came to me at the KH and told me how happy they were because of R making his decision to get baptized as a result of the DC and my "kind conversation" with him. In reality, he and his family were always on the C list (not even the A or B social lists) at the KH. That family was always marginalized and it made me sick as an elder to see it. His mom and grandma are still marginalized by the new regime of elders at that congo.
Additional thread about this topic:
Though of course suicide is horrible both for the victim and the family, I hope he now has the peace that he was never allowed in his family and at the congo and that I believe he so desperately sought. We will never truly know what was going through his mind in the moment he made the fatal decision. I hope this wakes up his mom and grandma.
R was a fine young man and I was honored to have known him.
Snakes (Rich )
why do i see so frequently the witnesses referred to as "window washers" on here?
i have been a witness (though only recently "conscious") for my whole life.
I hope farkel changes his mind regarding posting the rest of his story. Based on his long posting history, I have the utmost respect for Farkel - though I have not had the privilege of meeting him personally or talking to him on the phone.
I wish that the person(s) attacking farkel would go away. But I do not run this forum. I am a mere guest here. I wish the attackers would remember that they, too, are merely guests.
Snakes (Rich .. of the "formerly a window washer" Sheep Class)